Waking up early is always (Y/n)'s thing but not the boys, they always wake up in the afternoon.

(Y/n) moves Jungkook's arm away before walking downstairs, she decides to make breakfast for the boys. (Y/n) cooks a whole breakfast meal, eggs, bacon, grits, sasuage and more.

(Y/n) goes, about head upstairs to wake the boys but stops in front of the mirror, she checks, her eyes widen, and she screams before falling down to the floor. All the boys come running down, Jungkook was the first. (Y/n) looks at them and points at her eyes.

"Why are my eyes purple!?" (Y/n) yells.


"Why!? Why!?" I yell, Jungkook hugs me to settle me down, "I think we need to go to your mother Jungkook" Jin says, Jungkook nods head before taking his jacket off and putting it on me. "Keep this on, keep your head down and don't look at anybody ok?" Jungkook says to me, I nod my head and let him drag me out, I'm gonna meet his mother now.


"Eomma! Eomma!" Jungkook yells and bangs on the door, the door opens finally, but I can't see who's at the door, all I see is the floor and shoes. "Jungkook what are you doing here and who is this?" Jungkook groans, "I don't have time for that eomma, please just let us in" Jungkook and I step inside.

"Ok now you can look" I slowly put my head up, the house we are in is very large. "Eomma, why is this happening to her!?" Jungkook asks worriedly, I look straight and see a woman, but she doesn't look very old, she looks like she's 21 or so, is Jungkook right?

"Who are you?" she asks me, I clear my throat and bow, "Anneyongseyo I'm Jung (Y/n), Jungkook's, girlfriend" I say, she smiles and comes towards us. "Really? I'm happy my son got somebody now" I smile slightly, "Eomma!" Jungkook exclaims, "Right right, what's going on?" Mrs. Jeon asks, "Her eyes, it's purple, why is it?" Jungkook says, Mrs. Jeon grins slightly.

"You guys did it, didn't you?" Mrs. Jeon says to us, "What are you talking about mom?" Jungkook asks, "You. guys. had. done. it" I clear my throat and hide behind Jungkook, Jungkook obviously shocked, stands there. "H-how-" Mrs. Jeon clears her throat, "That's what happened to me when your father and I did it, but mine turned pink instead" Mrs. Jeon says, "(Y/n)'s turned purple" Jungkook says.

"She's gonna have to wear contacts, when the baby is out, she'll have both her regular eye color and the purple eye color" Mrs. Jeon says, "A baby?" I say as I come out from Jungkook, "Yes, that's why your eyes are purple" she says to me, Jungkook jumps and breaths, "I'm gonna be a father?" Mrs. Jeon nods her head, Jungkook hugs me tightly and kisses my lips.

"You hear (Y/n)! We're gonna be parents!" Jungkook says happily, I never knew he would be like this if I was pregnant, guess this is a good thing?

"But..." we both look at her, "Can she see it?" Jungkook looks down and around, "Can she?" Jungkook looks up at her.



"So how are the contacts?" Jungkook asks as he sways our hand, "Uncomforable, this is the first time I had to wear colored eye contacts" I answer, "It won't take long" I scoff, "Not long? It takes nine months for a baby to be delivered!" I tell him, "Or it could be early" Jungkook says.

"What are we supposed to do?" I ask Jungkook, "We'll just have to wait" Jungkook answers, "Wait? Jungkook, you know how I am" I say to him, he shrugs and smiles, "How are we supposed to tell the others?" I ask him, "We're not going to" I look at him.

"Why not?" I ask him, "I just don't want them to know yet" I hit his arm, "Yah we should tell them, so they won't have to worry the whole time!" I exclaim at him, he shrugs again.

"They're gonna have it"


Jeon Jungkookie~ Jungkookie~
I'm sorry, Jungkook is my favorite, if not obvious😩
I'm dead, BTS's 2017 comback is gonna hit me big time like the others as usual, don't they to you? Ok, I'm good, I'm done.

ANNEYONG!!!! (>.<)

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