(Y/n) opens her eyes, but squints her eyes due to the brightness, "(Y/n)!" Jungkook yells as he enters, he runs to her side and holds her hand. Jin and Rap Mon go out to get the doctor, "(Y/n)..." Jungkook says, smiling. "Jungkook what happened?" (Y/n) asks him, "You got into a accident, you're fine now" Jungkook explains.

"How long have I been out?" (Y/n) asks, "A week, we thought that Jungkook's blood didn't do any good if you didn't wake" J Hope says, "Jungkook's... blood?" (Y/n) questions, "You lost a lot of blood so the only one who matched out of all of us was Jungkook" V explains, "Jungkook! Why would you do that, are you hurt anywhere?!" (Y/n) asks Jungkook worriedly, Jungkook chuckles at her and holds her hand, "I'm fine, it's you I'm worried about" Jungkook says to her.


"We'll see you tomorrow" the others say before leaving, Jungkook and (Y/n) are alone in the room.

"When can I get discharged?" (Y/n) asks Jungkook, he smiles at her and caress her cheek, "In 3 days" Jungkook answers, "In 3 days!? Why not tomorrow?" (Y/n) whines, "I want you to recover correctly so I asked if you can stay a few extra days" Jungkook says to her, (Y/n) crosses her arms and nods her head.

"So you're the one who is making me stay in the hospital, you're cruel to me, your girlfriend" (Y/n) says, Jungkook chuckles at (Y/n) and ruffles her hair, "It's because I care for you a lot" Jungkook tells her, (Y/n) pushes him slightly and smiles.

"Cha, now go to sleep" (Y/n) nods in obedience and lays down while closing her eyes. Jungkook also falls asleep.


"Oh! They look so cute!" Jin exclaims while taking pictures, V and J Hope does as well, Jungkook wakes up and see what his hyungs are doing, V and J Hope stop while Jin waves at him and smiles.

"Morning Jungkook!" Jin says, Jungkook smiles tiredly and looks at (Y/n) sleeping. Jungkook moves a piece of hair out of her face then kisses her cheek, then her lips.

"Jeon Jungkook, I thought I told you not to steal kisses from me" (Y/n) says with her eyes closed, Jungkook moves back one and laughs awkwardly, "Don't kill me" Jungkook says worriedly, he knows if he doesn't obey her, she could kill anybody.

"What if I want to kill you?" (Y/n) says, "You can't kill your future husband" Jungkook sayd to (Y/n), "What if you're not my future husband, what if I picked somebody else?" (Y/n) questions him, "Then I'll kill him" Jungkook says, (Y/n)'s eyes open and she turns her head to look at Jungkook, "That will make you a murder" (Y/n) says to him, "That will make the other guy a thief too, he stole the one I love" (Y/n) smiles shyly at that.

"Hello, we're still in the room" J Hope says, closing his eyes. "Hobi, go get some ice cream or something" Jin says to J Hope, J Hope nods and salutes, "I want to go!" V yells and holds J Hope's arm, they run out. "Vhope!" (Y/n) yells as they leave, "Vhope?" Jungkook asks.

"I ship them two, V and J Hope combined, Vhope!" (Y/n) explains, Jungkook nods in understandment, "Then mine is..." Jungkook points at the two, "Jin hyung and Monie hyung, Namjin" Jungkook says, "There's also Yoongi and Jimin" (Y/n) says, "Yoomin" (Y/n) says.


"It's so boring here" (Y/n) whines as she throws the book down on her lap, Jungkook and the others left for something.

A knock comes from the door, "Come in" (Y/n) says, the door opens and shows Chanyeol, he grins a little before sitting beside her. (Y/n) crosses her arms and raise an eyebrow, "Why are you here?" (Y/n) asks him, "Now I can't visit my friend?" Chanyeol asks her, a little hurt.

"I forgot we are friends" (Y/n) jokes, Chanyeol frowns and throws flowers at her, hitting her head, (Y/n) holds her head in pain, Chanyeol's eyes widen and he runs to her to check if she was ok. (Y/n) smiles and shrugs, "You do care about me, that's why we became friends" Chanyeol shakes his head and laughs, "You only did that to prove that?" Chanyeol questions her, (Y/n) nods her head.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Chanyeol asks her, "He went with his friends somewhere, don't worry, he will come back" (Y/n) explains, Chanyeol nods his head and looks at the book on her lap, "What's this?" Chanyeol asks her, picking up the book.

"Oh it's the book I was reading, it's called Cinder" (Y/n) says, "It's a series" Chanyeol opens the book, "Cinder's the first book, then Scarlet, Cress, Winter, then I forgot the other one" (Y/n) says, rubbing her neck, "A cyborg?" Chanyeol says, "Oh! She's also a Lunar" (Y/n) says, Chanyeol smiles at her enthusiasm, "I guess I'll read this next time, seeing you excited like this, I pretty sure the book is good" Chanyeol says to me.

Chanyeol stands and puts his hands into his pockets, "I gotta go now" Chanyeol tells her, "Ok, thanks for the flowers Chanyeol" (Y/n) says to him, he waves her good bye and leaves.


"Miss me?" Jungkook asks as he enters the room, "Yah! I was bored to death in here! I was left alone!" (Y/n) exclaims at him, Jungkook laughs a little before pointing at the flowers, "Oh, chingu" (Y/n) answers, Jungkook nods his head but then he smells something strange.

Vampire blood what's he smelt, "Was... Chanyeol in this room?" Jungkook asks her, still looking around, "Who?" (Y/n) asks, knowing that Jungkook would be mad at her for having Chanyeol in here, Jungkook shakes his head.

"Aniya, sleep" (Y/n) nods and sleeps.

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