"Where are we going?" I ask Jungkook, he smiles and shakes his head. I swear, if he's gonna kidnap me, I'm gonna kick his ass.


"There we're here!" I look up, I smile brightly. "This place looks awesome!" I exclaim, "You like it?" Jungkook asks me, I nod happily and hug him, "What's this house for?" I ask him, looking at him.

He backhugs me, "For when we get married" I roll my eyes playfully, "Are you even sure we're gonna get married?" I ask him, I can feel him nod. "I know we will" I nod and smile, who wouldn't want to marry this bunny?

"Come on, the hyungs are calling me" I shake my head and open the gate, "I want to look inside though..." I hear Jungkook chuckle then he pulls me away, "You'll be able to do that when we get married" he tells me, "When do you want to get married?" I ask him, he shrugs and smiles, "Whatever day you want" Jungkook says to me, I smile and look into his eyes.

Brown, red, brown. It did it again, why is his eyes like that?

"Once we get married, I want to do everything with you" I smile at him, "What's everything?" I ask him, "Everything?" Jungkook says, or more like questions, "Is that a question or an answer?" I ask him, he laughs awkwardly, "Uh... both?" Jungkook says to me, I roll my eyes and slightly push him away.


"We're back" they all look at us, "Where did you guys go, we were worried" Jin asks, "Someplace private" Jungkook answers, he won't tell them, we haven't been together for two weeks yet and he thought about marriage already.

"Jungkook I need to talk to you" Jimin pulls Jungkook away from me, I shrug and sit beside J Hope, I take a chip, he looks at me.

"That was mine!" J Hope exclaims, I raise an eyebrow, "Who bought it?" I question him, "You did! Oh wait..." I try to hold in my laughter and just watch TV. "(Y/n) can you go get Jimin and Jungkook? I need them to go somewhere with me" Jin asks me, I nod and look around until I hear voices, Jimin and Jungkook's.

I was opening the door slightly until I hear Jimin say something. "When are you gonna tell her Jungkook!? Exactly when!?" I Jimin exclaims, "I will when it's time" Jungkook says, tell me what? "You can't keep this from her forever, you know that" Jimin says, "I didn't say I was keeping it! Why didn't you ask (y/n) out before we even came here, she and I wouldn't gotten togather!" Jungkook exclaims at him. "I would've if I had known that you two would end up together! I love (y/n), I don't want her hurt!" my hand cover my mouth so I wouldn't make any sounds, Jimin likes me? Rephrase, Jimin loves me? That Park Jimin loves me?

"I don't want her to be with you!" Jimin exclaims at him, "Espically you! She shouldn't have fallen in love with a monster like you" Jimin breaths out, a monster? Jungkook is not a monster.

"No one's taking (y/n) from me hyung, even if it means you too" Jungkook says, "What if those other ones come after her huh!? It will be all your fault!" Jimin exclaims at him, "They won't, Eunwoo hyung and Moonbin will keep her safe" who is Moonbin and Eunwoo? I am so not familiar with those names.

"Eunwoo? Moonbin? Why would you keep her to them?" Jimin says, "They are most trust worthly and also they're the same as me but you guys are not, it's best if she stays with them when we get married" Jungkook says, "Why don't you have Sanha and Hakyeon hyung do it instead?" Jimin says, "They're busy with other stuff, they can't do it" Jungkook says.

"When are you planning to get married?" Jimin asks Jungkook, "Whenever (y/n) wants to, it's her decision, I don't want to rush it" I smile softly at that, Jungkook is so sweet.

"You know... when you get married, a lot will happen" I hear Jungkook sigh, "I know hyung, that's why I'm already preparing" he says, ok I've heard enough, my feet hurt from standing here too long.

I inhale and exhale then knock, they both look towards me. Jungkook smiles at me, I smile back. "Jin said that he needed you guys to go somewhere with him" they both look at each other then nod, Jimin walks past me, Jungkook holds my hand.


"Make sure they don't do anything to (y/n)" Jungkook says to V, "Arasso you can leave" Jungkook, Jimin, and Jin leaves and it leaves us with Rap Mon, J Hope, V, Suga and myself.

"What do you guys want to eat?" Rap Mon asks, "Um... pizza?" J Hope says, "Agree" V says, "You guys want pizza too?" Rap Mon asks me and Suga, we both look at each other then shrug. "Whatever makes you happy" J Hope and V cheer, "(y/n) come with me" I nod and follow Suga to... his room?

"Um what do you need Suga?" I ask him, he gesters me to him, I walk. He shows me a notebook and sighs, "I need help for lyrics" I smile and laugh a little, "I'm up for it" I tell him, he smiles and puts it down, "Don't just put random words ok?" Suga warns me, I brush it off, "I'm a composer too, don't worry" I tell him, he nods. "Which part?" I ask him, looking into the notebook, "The beginning, it is a rap part, I debatting if it should be me rapping first or Jungkook" Jungkook raps? "Yes he raps, he also dances and sings, well we all do but he's the best in everything" Suga tells me, I got a multi boyfriend now?

"Maybe I can do something like..." I write it down, "Ok Jungkook would rap first, then you, your part is a little fast though" I tell him, he nods and shrugs, "I'm a fast rapper, it won't cause anything" I smile, "Well Jungkook's beginning part is, my name is Jungkook, my scale is nationalwide" I rap a little, "That's good and true, his scale is nationalwide" I smile and laugh a little.


"There, finished the beginning!" I say and show him, he reads it over and nods, he smiles and looks at me. "You're awesome (y/n), surely you are my savior" he says to me, I smile. "Hey Suga" he nods, "Should I make a song for Jungkook?" I ask him, he thinks for a moment before nodding, "I wonder how Jungkook would react if you sang it to him, maybe I can help with the rap" I nod, "We can both rap, and don't worry, I rap fast too" I wink at him, he chuckles and nods.

"Do we have to call you princess now?" Suga questions, "Why do you have to call me princess?" I ask him, he shrugs and scrunch his face up a bit, "Just can't wait unil you guys get married" I blush a little at that, "Why is everybody say that we're gonna get married?" I ask him, "We all know you are, we're for sure" I sigh out a little and smile. Maybe I should ask Suga about Jungkook's eyes.

"Suga do you know why Jungkook's eyes-" I get interrupted by the door opening, we both look and see Rap Mon standing there. "Pizza's here" we both nod and head downstairs.

We three already see J Hope and V devouring it, we three sigh and shake our heads. "Hey there's another box!" J Hope whines to us, with pizza in his mouth, I shake my head and close my eyes, not wanting to see that again.

"You ok?" I open my eyes and see Suga looking at me, I smile and nod. "Let's go" I nod and follow behind him. I take one piece of pizza and eat it.

It hasn't been five minutes and J Hope, Rap Mon, and V finished the other pizza box. Suga and I got two pieces of pizza from the second box and gave the rest to the others, we both sigh and roll our eyes. "You know, you two act like you're siblings" Suga and I look at each other and shrug, "See?" J Hope says to us. "I wish he was, he acts like my big brother" I tell them, "She acts my little sister, though I don't have one" Suga tells them, "Well, would you like to be my older brother?" I ask him, he nods and puts his arm over my shoulder, "Would you like to be my little sis?" Suga asks me, I nod and smile. "Siblings!" V cheers and goes back to the TV.

Being siblings with Suga? Doesn't sound bad.

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