"May I have this dance?" he asks me.

I take my hand out slowly before it reaches his. He pulls me to the dance floor and we dance slowly, one of his hands on my waist while the other holding my hand, my other available hand is on his shouder, he smiles as he looks at me.

"I'll say this again, you look beautiful" I clear my throat, "Jungkook, why are you here? I thought you didn't come to this college?" I question him, "I don't, but my mom owns the school" my jaw opens slightly, "My mom basically owns everything" he says to me, "Jungkook why are you here?" I ask him again.

"So I can be with my girlfriend right here, right now" I smile shyly then bite my bottom lip, "Stop that (Y/n), you're gonna make me want to kiss you" I stop after he said that, "Well it's not happening" I tell him, "It will, when we get home" Jungkook says to me, I roll my eyes and smile.

"Could've just came with me Jungkook" I tell him, "I wanted it to be a surprise besides, I got something to give you" he tells me, "Later though" he adds, I nod my head then we stop dancing as the music stops, Jungkook holds my hand as we walk.

"Are they together? I thought she was with Mark?" I heard someone say, "You idiot! Mark and her aren't together, they're just best friends and they came together! Jungkook and her look better anyways" I smile at that, "(Y/n), wanna eat a little?" Jungkook asks me, I nod my head and we both grab a plate.

"Jungkook never knew you would come" I hear Mark say, I turn my head and see them shaking hands, "You knew Jungkook would come?" I question Mark, he nods and waves away as he went to his other friends, "You and him are just like your friends" I say to Jungkook as I shake my head.

"Hey, at least I came instead of staying home alone, scared, and cold without my girlfriend's warmth" Jungkook says dramatically, "You got blankets now lets go sit" I tell him and we get a table, "I wonder, when did you meet your friends?" I ask Jungkook, "Jin hyung, Monie hyung, Hobi hyung, Jimin hyung, Suga hyung, and V hyung?" Jungkook asks, I nod my head as I take a sip of my drink.

"I've been with them since I was six, I forgot how I met them since it's been so long" Jungkook explains, I nod my head and eat my food. "Jungkook, have you had a girlfriend before?" I blurt out, I look away and drink my wine, Jungkook chuckles. "Ani you're my first, wae you honored?" Jungkook teases me, I put my drink down, "Why should I?" I question, "Ch..." he pouts and continues to eat his food. I smile and eat mine.

"How old is your mom Jungkook?" I ask him, "One hundred-" he stops talking, I raise an eyebrow, he clears his throat. "She's 54" Jungkook answers, I smile and hold his hand, "I bet she's very pretty right?" I ask him, he smiles and nods, "She's even prettier than you" I nod my head, "Of course she is, unless where would you get your looks?" I tell him.

"I can't believe this, did you just admit that you only like me for my looks?" Jungkook questions me, dramatically. "Yes I did, and also for your love for me" I say, he scrunches his face up and pinches my nose slightly, I smile and push his hand away.

"I want to go outside for a bit" I say as I stand, Jungkook nods and waves me away.


I breath in the fresh air and look at the moon, someone comes beside me, Jungkook, I think it is.

"Finally came to join me, Kookie?" I say as I turn my head, his face blocked out as it is dark, "Jungkook? Are you ok?" I ask him, I reach my hand to his face, but then a hand stops me. "Do I look like Jungkook?" he says, I move my hand away quickly and look away, "Sorry, I thought you were Jungkook" I say as I walk away, he grabs onto my arm, making me stop.

"Do you remember me?" he asks me, I move away from him, "Of course I do, you're the CEO dude" I say as I walk away again, I see Jungkook talking to girls again, I shake my head and walk towards him.

"Jungkook?" I say as I get beside him, he stands and holds my hand, making the girls gasp, "I feel bored here jagi, what do you want to do?" Jungkook says to me, "I want to leave too, let's just go somewhere" I answer as I shrug slightly, "Arasso" Jungkook smiles at me, I smile at back.

"Wait, you two are..." Jungkook nods his head and puts his arm around my waist, "We're together, so we're both taken" Jungkook says, I nod my head in agreement, "The school queenka and the kingka together? Such a coincidence" a girl says, "I just happened to meet her at some time" Jungkook says as he looks at me.

"Do you plan to get married?" another girl asks, "We do, still debating if we're gonna have a girl or boy after we marry" Jungkook answers, girls squeal. "I bet your children will be handsome!" a girl squeals, "And beautiful!" another adds, Jungkook chuckles.

"We're gonna go now, bye" Jungkook says, we both leave as the girls say good bye to us.


"Oh, it's raining" I murmur as we get outside, Jungkook lets me go and takes off his jacket, he puts it on me, I look at him. "I'll go get the car so stay here ok?" I nod my head and watch him run in the rain, I just hope he doesn't get sick.

I stand there, waiting for Jungkook to come with the car. Another person comes to my side, "Want me to take you home?" the person beside me asks, I turn my head and it was him again, "I'm good, thanks Hyungwon" I answer as I tiptoe up to see if Jungkook was here, but he wasn't yet.

"You'll get sick if you stand right there" Hyungwon says to me, "I'm good as I said, if you're doing this to make me like you back, it's not working. I'm sorry Hyungwon, but I already have someone else taking me home" I say, "Who?" Hyungwon asks, I point at the aproaching car, "Him" I answer.

The car stops in front of us, the driver's side door opens and a umbrella comes out, his figure stands and he turns around to look at me, I smile at him and he smiles back. He closes his door and walks to me. "Ready?" Jungkook asks me, I nod my head, I look at Hyungwon who was looking at me and glances at Jungkook, "Thanks for the offer Hyungwon, but I have my boyfriend here to pick me up" I say again, Jungkook puts his arm around my shoulder and guides me to the car door.

He opens it and I go in, he closes the door and goes to the other side. "My gosh Jungkook, let's hurry and get home, you'll get sick" I tell him as he drives off.

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