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"No, Jeon Jungkook, don't come near me with that" I warn him, he smirks and steps forward, I step back. "Wae? It's just whip cream" Jungkook says to me, I laugh awkwardly and shake my head, "You're gonna put it on my face, I know you will!" I exclaim at him, "You know well, for someone who knew even though they dated them" Jungkook says to me, I was still backing away, but then I almost fell, with Jungkook holding me, I thank him.

I then feel something smudge on my lips, "Jungkook!" I exclaim at him, I about wipe my mouth but Jungkook stops me, I look at him and he smiles, "I'll do it" what does he mean by I'll do it? He doesn't mean...

Jungkook's lips were already on mine before I could get out of my thoughts. I close my eyes and smile.

Which is sweeter? Jungkook's lips or the whip cream?


"(Y/n)~, Jungkook~" we both break apart, the door opens and shows Jin. "Want breakfast?" I nod my head, "Jeon Jungkook, I told you not to play with the cream! That's for Hobie!" Jin exclaims at him, I snort and laugh quietly, Jungkook looks at me with a glare, I look away and move away.

"(Y/n) told me to get it!" I stop my tracks and look at Jungkook, he smirks slightly and pouts at his hyung, "It's not my fault hyung" Jin looks at me then shakes his head while smiling. "(Y/n) I forgive you but next time I won't" Jin warns me, I smile slightly then look at Jungkook, then back at Jin.

"Thank you Jin oppa!" I sing happily, he shakes his head and chuckles while closing the door. I look at Jungkook, he's pouting, why? I don't know.

"How come I don't get called oppa?" Jungkook whines, is he five or something? I shake my head and walk out, "Yah!" I hear Jungkook yell while I go down the stairs, I run down and sit beside J Hope, he looks at me and smiles widely.

"I heard from Jin hyung, I forgive you and also..." he comes to my ear, "I know it was Jungkook" I smile and nod. Jungkook comes from down the stairs and crosses his arms while looking at me, I look away and eat my breakfast.

"Jung (Y/n)!" I freeze, I didn't tell Jungkook my surname. I look away and he pouts, "Wae?" I ask him, "I'm taking you somewhere after you eat" I groan and sigh, "Wae? Don't want to?" I nod and pout, "Fine I'll just ask Gracie" I stand straight at that, "You have Gracie's number?" I question him, he nods and takes his phone out.

"Anneyong! Want to hang out?... yeah you can, ok bye!" Jungkook hangs up and looks at me, I stand and go upstairs. "What are you doing!?" Jungkook yells, "Getting dressed!" I yell back, that bitch ain't stealen my man. Why am I so jealous all of the sudden?


"You said it was Gracie" I tell Jungkook, he pulls me by waist, "I lied, it was the only way for you come" I roll my eyes and wave at the two figures heading our way.

"Hi guys!" she says happily, "Hi Tiffany and Mark" I say and smile, "Haven't seen you in awhile" I roll my eyes and cross my arms, "We just saw each other at Yang Yang's birthday" I say to him bluntly, he shrugs and smiles. "Jeon Jungkook, you been good?" Jungkook nods and he smiles at me.

"What are we doing today?" Tiffany asks, "We're going to the amusment park" Jungkook answers, "Yah I swear, the same thing that happened at the carnival and at home better not happen there" I warn Jungkook, he shrugs and kisses my cheek, "I won't go to them, I'll always come to you and you only" I look away. "Hey we going or not?" Mark questions us, raising an eyebrow.

"Yep, let's go" we all walk until we get there, but guess who I see.


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