I was awoken by someone gently shaking me, I shoot up to see who is in my room.

"Oh Jin..." he smiles, "There's breakfast downstairs so come down before they eat it all" I nod and he leaves my room, I lay back down and turn on my phone, 6:56 am uh. I smile as I see a notification from my beloved one.

Oppa what are you doing up so early- (y/n)

Can we meet later, like in a hour or so?- Oppa😙

Arasso see you later, I love you~- (y/n)

Arasso bye- Oppa😙

I stand up and get ready, I was excited to see oppa today. I wear a red dress with black flats, I head downstairs and see them eating.

"Morning!" I sang happily, they all look at me and their jaws drop, "Wae, is something wrong?" I ask them, they all shook their head and continued eating. "Are you going to meet him?" Jimin asks me annoyed, I hit his head and eat my breakfast, "Yes I'm going to go meet Taeyang oppa" I say to him, "Who's that?" V asks, "Her boyfriend" Jimin says in a annoyed voice, "Yah how come you hate him that much!?" I exclaim at him, "You're blinded by love (y/n), I'm telling you he's cheating on you!" Jimin yells at me, "You're only saying that because I got someone!" I yell back at him and grab my purse, leaving to go meet Taeyang.

I see him standing there, I smile, heading towards him. "Taeyang oppa!" I say and run towards him but I stop as I see another girl hugging him from behind, my smile fades as I see him hugging her back and kissing her on the lips.


I feel tears running down my cheeks, I run away to anywhere but home. Jimin was right, for once. I sob and sob as I can't control it anymore, "Yah maid!" I turn to my right, seeing Jungkook standing there.

I turn away and stand, "What do you want?" I ask him while trying to control my sobs, "Nothing, I just happen to see you walking towards someone then you started crying out of nowhere and ran away" he shrugs, "Then you can ignore me now like you did yesterday" I start walking away.

"Arasso see you back at the house then" he leaves and I sit back down, looking like a sick person. I feel someone put their jacket on me, I look up and see Jungkook. "Cry all you want, I saw what happened" he sounds so sincere but he's so cold.

"Jagi" I hear someone say, I see him walking towards us, I stand and wipe my face, good thing I had no makeup on, what am I saying, I don't even put on makeup.

"O-oh Taeyang-shi" I look at him, he looks confused and he looks behind me. "Who's he?" Taeyang asks me, I look at Jungkook, "He-he's..." I stop and look at Jungkook with very much surprise as he holds onto my hand, "I'm her boyfriend" he holds our hand up to show him, Taeyang scoffs and looks at me, "Yah you're crazy, she's my girlfriend" he says to Jungkook, "Not anymore, we both saw you and your other girlfriend together" Jungkook fires back, Taeyang stops smiling and gives Jungkook a stare, Jungkook doesn't hesitate to give one back at him.

"It's ok Jungkook" I let his hand go and look at Taeyang, he smiles and opens his arms to me, I come close to him and raise my hand then slap! goes right across his face, he holds his cheek in disbelieve, "Yah you bitch!" Taeyang yells at me, I scoff and cross my arms, "Me? I'm the bitch? I should be saying that to you when you were kissing another girl behind my back!" I yell at him, he scoffs and gives me those puppy eyes, thinking that I'll forgive him, no not this time, this is too far, "We're over" I start walking back until he holds onto my wrist, gripping it really tight and I mean REALLY tight.

I whimper and try to get out of it but he pulls me back, "Let me go!" I yell, I feel someone pull me back and I see Jungkook hiding me behind him.

"Yah give me my girlfriend back!" Taeyang yells at Jungkook and tries punching him but Jungkook dodges and pulls me with him so I don't get in Taeyang's grip, Jungkook punches him and he falls to the ground. He deserved it, his lip was bleeding, "She's not your's anymore" Jungkook looks at me and comes closer while cupping my cheek, then kissing me, I close my eyes, falling into the kiss.

He pulls away and pulls me with him.


"Yah thanks" I say before running upstairs, "(Y/n)!" Jimin yells but I ignore and close the door to my room and lay on my bed, my fingers touch my lips as I remember Jungkook kissing me, I bite my bottom lip before changing into normal clothes, such as black leggings and a t-shirt.

I realize that I still have Jungkook's jacket, "How am I supposed to give this back to him?" I murmur to myself, I remember the kiss and touch my lips, I bit my bottom lip and sigh, "I'll clean this then give it back to him" I say, then someone knocks on the door.

"Coming!" I put his jacket down in the bag and open the door. "O-oh Jungkook" I look down, I look up and smile, "Hold on" I went to the bag, "I'm so-" "Act like nothing happened" I look at him, "Bwo?" I ask him, "Act like the kiss never happened" I look down and put the jacket down back into the bag, "Oh..." "Mianhe" he closes the door, I sigh and take the jacket out.

"Chincha" I sigh again, I put it back and lay on my bed. I close my eyes and try not to think of what happened.

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