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Running to save him, I try to run as fast as I can.

Jimin and Jungkook, that's what's happening right now. I can't let them die, no matter what.


Arriving at the destination, I walk in, breathing heavily.

"Jungkook" I whisper, what's the point of that, he can't answer back.

I continue walking until seeing a light. I continue walking.

"Jungkook?" I call out again, "(Y/n)?" I hear an answer back, "Jungkook!" I start running.

"(Y/n)! No! Don't come!" Jungkook yells, I ignore and continue running.

[Why am I cringing while writing this???]

Stopping and opening the door, seeing Jungkook, and... Jimin.

"You shouldn't be here!" Jungkook yells at me, my eyebrows furrow.

"I should be!" I yell back at him, huffing out and trying to suck in some air.

"Finally you're here!" I hear a voice say. Turning to my right and crossing my arms.

"Let them go"

"Do I have to?"


"I could"

He walks out and smirks while holding the gun in his right hand.

"But I don't want to"

Rolling my eyes and biting my lip in fustration.

"Just let them go"


"I'm not choosing"

"Oh, you knew?"

"I'm not stupid"

"Well for curtain, you're not smart either"

I sigh out, pressing my hand at my head.

"What is it that you want, like seriously!?" I yell at him, he smirks again. "I want you to choose" he answers, "I told you I'm not choosing" I tell him, "Then why did you come here?" he asks, "Beause you were gonna kill them if I didn't" I tell him.

He smirks and tilts his head a bit. "Smart" he says, "But... I still need you to choose" he says, I sigh, looking at them both. "(Y/n), no" Jimin says, shaking his head at me. Jungkook was just staring at me, the fear in his eyes.

"How about me?" I say, he tilts his head, "You can have me then let them two go" I tell him, Jungkook's eyes widen.

"(Y/n), no!" Jungkook and Jimin yell, trying to get out of the ropes. He laughs as if he's amused.

"Nice, I would like to have a loyal girlfriend like you" he laughs, I just stand there, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes. "Didn't you already have one?" Jungkook questions, the guy stops laughing and looks at Jungkook deadly.

"Don't you dare" he growls, his eyes turning blue. Those blue eyes, it's the same blue eyes I saw when I went to the restaurant with Jungkook, my eyes widen and I point at the guy.

"It was you the whole time..."

He laughs and nods, he smirks as he laughs and looks at me.

"It's always been me, you're supposed to be my qu-"

"Shut up Kai, shut up!"

I raise an eyebrow, "Supposed to be your what?" I question, Jungkook's eyes were in fear as Kai looks at him amused. "Even she wants to know, why don't we let her know Jeongguk?" Kai questions, raising an eyebrow.

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