I push away Taekwoon and start walking, but stop when I see Jungkook, "J-Jungkook" he looks angry, he looks at me then at Taekwoon, he scoffs and walks off. 

I run after him, "Jungkook!" I yell as I run for him, I grab his arm, he stops. "Jungkook, you're misunderstood" he jerks away from me, "Misunderstood? What was that that I saw?" Jungkook says to me, my mouth opens but no words come out. Jungkook scoffs again and walks off.

"Jungkook!" I yell again and run again, but then it stops. Everything is black, everything is dark.

I see nothing.


I hear a car honk, I stop as I hear the car hit something. Trembling, I turn around slowly.

My eyes widen as I see (Y/n) on the road, bleeding.

"(Y/n)!" I yell as I run to her, I take her in my arms, "(Y/n), don't die on me please, please" I sob.


"Yah what happened to her!?" Jin hyung asks Jungkook worriedly, he was sniffing, Jungkook wishes it was him instead, he just saw the girl he loves get into an accident, it was because of him, he was the one that made her run to him, he was the cause that he made her like this now.

"Jungkook, it's not your fault" J Hope says, Jimin on the other hand was pissed, he grabs Jungkook by the collar and punches him directly in the jaw. Jungkook falls to the floor, Jin and Rap Mon go help him while V, J Hope, and Suga hold Jimin back from doing anything else.

"I trusted her to you, look what you did!" Jimin yells at Jungkook, Jungkook was looking down, ashamed that he couldn't protect her correctly, "Jimin! It's not his fault!" J Hope yells at Jimin, the doors open from the ER room, everybody runs to the doctor, Jungkook pushes everybody out the way.

"How is she!?" Jungkook asks the doctor worriedly, he rubs his neck and puts his hands together, "She had a severe accident, she lost a lot of blood, we need to find someone with the same kind type of blood as her" the doctor explains, "I'll take the blood test to see if I match!" they all say, the doctor smiles and nods his head, he gesters them to the office.


"He said that the results will come out tomorrow" Jin says to Jungkook who was beside (Y/n), holding her hand, looking at her deeply. "B-bwo hyung?" Jungkook asks, looking at Jin, "He said that the results will come out tomorrow" Jin says again to Jungkook, Jungkook nods his head and looks at (Y/n) again.

Jimin and the others went home while Jungkook stayed with (Y/n), they know he can endure the night without sleep.

"If one of us is a match, you have to wake up arasso?" Jungkook says to (Y/n) who was unconcious, "I know you can hear me" a tear drops from Jungkook's eye, his eye pupils turn red, "I'm not mad at you anymore, just..." he sniffs again, "Wake up please, saranghae" Jungkook says to (Y/n), "Also I have to tell you too" Jungkook says, "I have to tell you" he says again before laying his head beside her arm and falling asleep.


"Jungkook?" she says, pitch black as it is then a light comes on, two people tied up, one Jungkook, the other is a little boy.

"Eomma/(Y/n)!" Jungkook and the little boy yells, another person comes from the dark, he was smirking evilly, "Kai! Leave my wife and son alone!" Jungkook yells, Kai laughs evilly and looks at (Y/n), "Who would you choose to die and save?" Kai asks her, "Jungkook, your husband or..." Kai points at the little boy, "Or..."

"Your son"


"The results are out!" Jungkook jumps up and looks at the doctor, "There's only one match" they all sigh of relief, "It's Mr. Jeon" they all look at Jungkook, Jungkook smiles widely and shakes the doctor, "Really!?" Jungkook asks, the doctor nods.

"We just need a guardian signature" the doctor says, Jin and Rap Mon step forward and follow the doctor out. Jungkook comes to (Y/n)'s side and holds her hand again, he laughs a little before happy tears fall from his eyes, "I'm a match! Hear that (Y/n), I'm the match for you" Jungkook says to (Y/n).


Jungkook looks at (Y/n) beside him before sighing and closing his eyes.

"Please wake up (Y/n), saranghae" Jungkook says again.

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