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I start squealing, Jungkook jumps out of surprise and holds me.

"What's wrong!?" Jungkook asks me worriedly, I point and smile widely, "VIXX is here!" I exclaim at him, "Who's that?" Jungkook asks, "VIXX is a kpop group that just debuted, guess what (y/n)" I look at Mark, "Taekwoon hyung is in there" I tilt my head in confusion, Taekwoon? I know that name from somewhere.

Mark's jaw drops and he shakes me. "You forgot Taekwoon? Jung Taekwoon!?" I try hard then my eyes widen, "Jung Taekwoon!" I turn back to VIXX and run to them.

They all look at me then I hug Taekwoon, he looks so different but his eyes are still the same and his smile. He doesn't hug me back, making me pout, my hands on his shoulder while I look at him.

"Do I know you?" Taekwoon asks, smiling awkwardly at me, I pout and cross my arms, "How can you forget your friend named Jung (Y/n), the one who has the same surname as you?" I question him, his eyes widen and he hugs me tightly, I smile and giggle.

"(Y/n)! You look so different! I couldn't reconigze you!" Taekwoon says to me, I smile and nod. "Ey hyung, she forgot you too" Mark says, I hit his shoulder, "(Y/n) don't run like that, I thought I lost you" Jungkook says to me, holding my hand, Taekwoon raises an eyebrow and looks at me. "Wh-" "I'm Jungkook" Taekwoon looks at me again for an explaination, "He's my son" I tell him, his eyes widen and he jumps.

"What the heck! You have a son without telling me! Who's the father! I'm gonna kick his butt!" I laugh at his reaction, I shake my head, as well as my hands. "I don't have a son, I just lied. Jungkook is my boyfriend" I tell him, he stops reacting and nods while looking at Jungkook.

"Ooh, this is bad" Mark mumbles, Jungkook nudges me and comes near my ear. "Why is he staring at me like that?" Jungkook asks me, I shrug and smile. I almost forgot, Taekwoon liked me...

Taekwoon sighs and shakes his head at me, he grabs my wrist and drags me, but then Jungkook holds my other wrist and stops him. "Where are you taking her?" Jungkook questions him, "I'm gonna talk to her" Jungkook lips curve up a little, "You can ta-" "It's private" Taekwoon interrupts him, I look at the both of them then I move my wrist out of Jungkook's hand, he looks at me while I smile at him.


"You got a boyfriend?" Taekwoon questions me, I sway back and forth, "You know I still like you right?" Taekwoon questions me, "I thought you didn't like me no more?" I question Taekwoon, he sighs. "I was waiting for you" he looks at me with sad eyes, "Mianhe Taekwoon, we can still be friends right?" I ask him, he nods and smiles slightly.


"Ok now?" Mark asks, I nod and look at the VIXX members. "I'm confused" Hongbin says, I smile and bow, "Mianhe. I'm Jung (Y/n), Taekwoon's friend, I know you guys already" I tell them, they nod then Ken comes out of nowhere and starts slicing with a fake toy sword, we all step back and look at him weirdly, he stops and looks around at us.

"Wae? Something wrong?" Ken asks, Hyuk points at me, Ken looks and puts his hands behind his back and bows. "Who are you?" I smile and bow, "Anneyongseyo, I'm Jung (Y/n), Taekwoon's friend" I tell him, Ken nods and nudges Hyuk, making him move away from him. "Ooh, Taekwoon hyung's friend now uh?" Ken teases, I smile and scoff playfully. "I already have a boyfriend" I walk to Jungkook and hold his arm, he nods at Ken and pulls me by my waist, "Oh" Ken pouts and continues what he's doing.

"Wanna hang out with us noona?" Hyuk asks me, I smile and shake my head, "Mianhe Hyuk, I don't want Starlights to misunderstand" he nods, "Anneyong" we wave them good bye.


"Did you have a good time?" I nod and try to take some chips from him, he jerks back and smirks. "Ohho, trying to steal now?" I hit his shoulder, "You said it was for the both of us" I tell him, he eats a chip and sticks his tounge out at me, "Did I?" I roll my eyes and walk ahead of him.

His arm holds me and his chin land on my shoulder, he puts the chip bag in front of me, "Mianhe Jagi" he kisses my cheek, I smile and take one, I take a bite and nod my head. "Do you want to get married now?" Jungkook asks me, I smile and breath out, "I don't know yet, we've only been together for just two weeks or three" I tell him, "We still can" I riggle him off, "Not until one year" I tell him.

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