I stood there, looking into the moonlight, I hold myself in my arms, trying to get warm.

I sigh and felt arms wrap around me, I lean back and felt a kiss on my cheek.

"What are you doing up baby?" he asks, putting his chin on my shoulder.

I smile and put my hands on his, I snuggle into him.

"I was just thinking"

"Thinking about what?"

"What would've happened if Jimin got shot instead?"

"Don't think about that (Y/n), it's already been a year"

I nod my head but I couldn't stop thinking about it, what would've happened if I got shot, or Jimin did?

But it's done already, Taehyung shot Kai, that's all that mattered.

"Come on, Wonwoo has a game tomorrow and he wants us both there"

I nod my head, then I suddenly felt myself getting picked up, I yelp and glare at him as he smiles at me and walks towards our bedroom.

He drops me on the bed and hovers over me, I tried to be mad at him but I couldn't for some reason.

"Yah Jeon Jungkook, who gave you permission?"

He smiles cheekily and laughs, "I did myself, I'm a ruler too" I click my tongue playfully and giggle.

"But you're supposed to let your queen do whatever they want"

He hums and shakes his head, I hit his chest, making him smile and gives me a peck.

"Since you're mine now, I'm gonna take over"

He continues to give me small pecks, I give a small laugh as he gives a long one.

"Wonwoo is in fifth grade right?"

I nod my head, yes Wonwoo is our son, I know it's only been a year but the process of having a vampire child is quicker, I've only had him in my stomach for two months before I went into labor, he had grown very fast as well, which he looks like he's ten.

"Do you want a little girl?" Jungkook asks, my eyes widen and I hit his chest again, making him chuckle.

"Do you know how painful it is when you're giving birth?!"

He continues to chuckle at me.

"I know but I want to have my little princess" Jungkook pouts, I roll my eyes, "I'll think about it" I say, Jungkook pouts even more.

"I'll give you one second"

"What?! yah Jeon Jungkook, don't you dare!-"

It was already too late when Jungkook places his lips on mine, he laces mine and his hands together, I swear I hate him.

But I love him more.


The End

Jungkook book done!

I really didn't like this as much as I did for Toy, my other Jungkook book.

You can check out Toy if you want, also the Yoongi one called M.Y.G.

Anneyong~ ^-^

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