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"Who are you?" I ask her, she smiles and looks behind me. "Jungkook" she calls, I look over my shoulder and he stands while smiling.

"Hey Tiffany" I look down while raising an eyebrow, who's this now? Jungkook never mentioned her.

I walk backwards slowly until Jungkook pulls me by his side. I look up in surprise, he smiles and looks at her, "Tiffany this is my girlfriend, (Y/n)" Jungkook tells her, she smiles at me and puts her hand out, "Anneyong nice meeting you, I'm Tiffany Wang" she says, Wang? Wang? That sounds familiar.

"Are you related to Jackson Wang?" I ask her, she looks at me surprised and nods. "He's my brother" I nod and smile, "He's troublesome isn't he?" I ask her, she nods and sighs, "My gosh, he never cleans his mess" she tells me, I laugh and take her hand, "Well tell your brother that if he messes with Mark then he'll go through me" I tell her, she giggles and nods. "Mark is my boyfriend" my jaw opens, "You're Mark's girlfriend!? You're so pretty! I don't know how Mark manage to get you!" I exclaim at her, "Mark helped me with some guys then we kept meeting then we became one" she explains, "Yah Tiff you done yet!?" I hear someone call, she rolls her eyes and sighs while shaking her head.

The girl comes beside her and puts her hands to her hip. "Who's this?" she asks Tiffany and eyes Jungkook up and down. Bitch, the first thought in my mind. I dealt with this at the carnival, now I have to deal with it at home?

"Hi my name is Jungkook and this is my girlfriend, (Y/n)" Jungkook tells her, she scoffs and smirks, "Not for long" she says. "Grace!" Tiffany whispers, Tiffany looks at me and laughs awkwardly, I smile at her. "Sorry, this is my friend Gracie" she says, "Come in" Jungkook grip on my waist tightens, I look up at him and he gives me a worried look, I smile and give him assuring look.

Tiffany comes and thanks us both while Gracie slides her hand on Jungkook's chest, Jungkook doesn't even give her a glance and just looks at me.

"Wow, um... there's a lot of guys here" Tiffany says, I laugh a bit and come to her side. "Yeah, these are my friends and they're staying over temperaily" I tell her, "This is your house?" Tiffany asks me, I shrug and smile, "It is under my name but Jimin and I both live in here" I tell her, "Jimin?" Tiffany asks, Jimin stands and smiles. "Hi I'm Jimin" Tiffany smiles and nods.

"Well nice meeting you" she bows and turns around to look at me, her eyes widen, I look at her confused, "Gracie!" Tiffany exclaims. I turn around and see her about to kiss Jungkook's cheek, don't turn your head Jeon Jungkook, if you do, you'll kiss her on the lips, don't.

Jungkook about to turn, my eyes widen and I cup his face, making sure he's facing me. Her lips fall on my hand, her eyes open and she jerks back while wiping her mouth.

"Was she about..." I nod, Jungkook just stares at me, I smile slightly. "You're really pretty" Jungkook says to me, I bite my bottom lip and look away, I feel a pinch on my nose, Jungkook is pinching my nose and it hurts. I whine at him and swipe his hand away.

He pulls me close, our faces inches away from each other, "Hello? I'm still here" Gracie says, Jungkook looks away from me and looks at her, she smiles but glares at me. Jungkook smiles at her and points at the door, "There's the exit" I bite my bottom lip from laughing. He sounds so sweet but his words are so cruel.

"Where's the entrance?" she asks Jungkook and pushes me away, Jungkook got me in time before I hit the floor. "You ok?" I nod and stand, holding his arm, his arm around my waist. My head leans onto his arm, he gives me a kiss on the head.

"I won't let my queen get hurt" he's still using that on me? "What about the other queen?" Gracie asks while winking at Jungkook, he smiles. "I only have one" he looks at me, "Also I have a princess coming soon" no way... did he mean...

"(Y/n)'s pregnant!?" J Hope yells, Jungkook nods while closing his eyes, "Oh my god..." Jin's mouth open ajar, I would be like that too but it's telling me to keep it shut, Junkook using this to keep Gracie away.

"We're gonna leave now, congrats (Y/n)" Tiffany says to me while winking, she got it. She drags Gracie out and the door closes. I sigh of relief, I hit Jungkook's arm, he looks at me and smiles, "Really Jeon Jungkook, really?" I question him, "(Y/n)'s P. R. E. G. N. A. N. T! Pregnant!?" J Hope yells again, "I'm not ok!?" I yell at J Hope.

"Wait you're not?" Jin asks me, sounding like he's relief, I nod and smile. They all sigh of relief, "Thank god" I look at them confused, "Why would it matter?" I ask them, "O-oh aniya, it's nothing but we think you're still young" J Hope says, I raise an eyebrow, "You think that is? Good thing I'm not pregnant, I'm 18. One time Jimin almost got a 16 year old girl pregnant, good thing I stopped him, he was drunk too!" I exclaim at them, "Did you see his..." I know what he means, "No I didn't, I looked away before I could even glance at it ok?" I explain to them, "Ok then..." I roll my eyes and point at Jungkook.

"You... in big trouble you know that?" I tell him, he smirks and leans closer, "Wae? Gonna give me a punishment?" Jungkook questions me, I shrug and grin a little.

"I'll think about it"

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