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"We're here" I look up and see the house, back here again...

We walk out the car and walk inside, we open the door and see him.

I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "Still not confessing?" hyung questions him, "Why should I? We'll win when I'm out" he says, my jaw clenches. "Oh Jungkook, haven't seen you for so long" he says, I put my hand up in a fist but then put it down, "It's your highness if you've misunderstand" hyung says to him, "Oh well I'm sorry" he smirks, I grin a little, "It's not gonna go your way Kai, it never did anyways" I tell him, "Jin hyung I'm gonna call her" he nods and looks at me, "Make it quick" I nod and head outside.

"Hello?" (Y/n) says, I smile and about to open my mouth until I hear her yell, "V! J Hope! Put that vase down, it's not for you to play with!" (Y/n) yells, I laugh quietly. "Hi Jagi" I say, she sighs and laughs a little, "Hi Jungkook" she says, I pout a little, "Where's the oppa part?" I question her, I bet she's rolling her eyes.

"The hyungs are not doing anything to you right?" I ask her, "No, Suga is really helping me with them" Suga hyung? Helping? That's a first.

"Guess what? Suga and I became siblings! Funny isn't it!?" (Y/n) exclaims, Suga hyung and (Y/n) siblings? Yeah it is, though they act the same sometimes.

"Well I can't be on for long, I got to go ok?" I tel her, "Arasso, I'm about to beat the crap out of these children" she breaths out, I chuckle, "I love you" I tell her, I can imagine her blushing, "I love you too, bye!" (Y/n) hangs up after saying that. I chuckle and head inside.

"Who was that, your girlfriend?" Kai questions me, grinning a little. "None of your business" I warn him, "I bet I know her, (Y/n) her name is called?" my eyes widen and my body tense, "I got a spy on her, might want to not leave her alone from now on" he says, I smirk and sigh, "Thanks for the advice" I tell him.

My phone rings, I see it's (Y/n), she misses me already?


The door bell rings, I check it.

My body frozen, that guy... from the haunted house is here.

"Hey..." he says, smirking a little, that smirk, I hate it. I fake smile, "Hi who are you?" I ask him, he doesn't answer but just walks in.

"Who are you?" I ask him, feeling a little afraid, he turns around and opens his mouth, fangs again, those fangs that I saw at the haunted house. "I belive we have unfinished business" he smirks. Why did the others fall asleep?

"Please get out" I tell him, he looks around and picks up the vase. He looks at me and drops it, I gasp and jump back. I hear running from the stairs, "(Y/n) you ok!?" I hear Suga yell, I see Rap Mon, Suga, V, and J Hope standing there. "Where's the other three?" the guy asks, "What are you doing here Chanyeol?" Suga questions him, sounding angry.

He puts his hands up and laughs a little, "Hey I didn't come for you guys this time" Chanyeol says, I grab my phone and dial Jungkook's number.

"Why did you call me? Miss me?" Jungkook questions me, "J-Jungkook" I whisper, "Wae, what's wrong?" Jungkook asks me, sounding worried, Chanyeol looks at me and smirks. "C-come back" I breath out. Chanyeol then comes to my side and holds me, I gasp as he takes the phone and slams it to the floor.

"Let her go" Suga says, my breathing intenses. Chanyeol moves my hair to one side and puts his head into my head, I close my eyes and gulp as I feel something sharp poke my skin. I try pushing him away and he holds tight.

"Don't do that baby girl, it will only cause you trouble" he whispers into my ear, "Why do you want her, she has nothing to do with this" V says, them four step forward, Chanyeol steps back, making me step back too.

"It does though, after all she and Jungkook are gonna get married" Chanyeol says, how does he know that?

I hear a barge in, we look and see Jimin, Jin, and Jungkook standing there, "Let her go" Jungkook says to him, his grip tightens, I wince. "Why should I? Because she's gonna become the queen?" Chanyeol says, a queen? How am I gonna become a queen?

"Let her go! She doesn't have anything to do with this!" Jungkook yells, Chanyeol covers my mouth, I try kicking and squirming but it doesn't do anything. Again I feel something sharp against my skin, this time it goes in, I scream into his hand. "Yah!" Jungkook yells, the sharpness leaves, I feel dripping, my blood is dripping.

"Don't worry, I didn't change her into one" Chanyeol says, I open my eyes and push him with my force, I hold my hand against my neck, Chanyeol smirks and vanishes. I gasp in and out then my legs feel weak, someone catches me. I see Jungkook's face before I black out.


"Get the first aid kit!" I yell, Jin hyung runs into the bathroom. I caress her cheek and sigh.

"Who opened the door?" I ask Suga hyung, he shakes his head and sighs, "We don't know, we just heard something break then we ran downstairs and saw (Y/n) and him" Suga hyung explains, "If it was (Y/n), it's not her fault, she didn't know" Hobie hyung says.

"Here I'll do it" Jin hyung says to me, the rest of us walk to the living and sit. "Jungkook what do we do, what if she turned?" Jimin hyung questions, "She can't, she won't" I tell him, "But what if she did?" V hyung questions.

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