The school reunion starts 6 pm, I still have five hours.

What have I been doing? Sitting on the couch, eating chips, watching TV. Jungkook is beside me, doing the same, the others went to a concert or something like that, Jungkook is the only one who stayed with me.

"Jungkook, you know them?" I ask him, he shakes his head, "That's Block B, the song is called Toy" I explain, "Toy, no wonder I've heard this song before, one of my other friends listened to this" Jungkook says, "How long have we been sitting here like this?" I ask Jungkook, he hums as he gets his phone and turns it on.

"Four hours" I jump up, "Mark is gonna pick me up in 30 minutes, why didn't you tell me earlier!?" I yell at Jungkook as I run to my room to get ready, "Did I have to tell you!?" I hear Jungkook yell, I roll my eyes and hurry to take a shower.

"There, finished" I say as I stand in front of Jungkook, fully dressed. He smiles and holds my hand, "You look very pretty" I smile but then let it fade away, "I thought you said I wasn't pretty, I was beautiful" I tell him, "Yeah yeah that, I'm just too stunned" Jungkook says as he kisses my hand, I smile again and kiss his cheek.

"Ready?" Mark asks me, I nod my head then look at Jungkook, he's pouting because I have to leave him, he cups my face and kisses me then let me go.


"People might think we are together like before" I say to Mark, laughing a little. "I know right" Mark says, "Omg, look at them, are they together!?" Mark mimics which makes me laugh.

"Only if I could bring Tiffany and you could bring Jungkook, it would be no problem" I nod my head, bummed that Jungkook couldn't come, as well as Tiffany.

"We're here!" Mark says as he stops the car and gets out, he comes to my side and opens my door, I smile and get out, I pat his shoulder. "Thanks Mark" I say to him, he shrugs and smiles, "That's what gentlemen do" I almost laugh, "You? Gentlemen?" I question, he nudges me and puts his arm out.

I link my mine with his and we walk, everybody looks at us, I remember all these people from school, it was just two years ago, I'm 18 yes, we graduated early.

"Jjinja, I still think these two are together" I hear someone say, Mark chuckles, "I told you" I tell him, he nods his head at me then let go of my arm. "I'm thirsty" I say as we walk to the drinks, "Well there's wine over there and juice over here, which one?" Mark asks me, "I guess wine" I say, he nods and grabs two.

"This music is too elegant" Mark says as he shakes his head, "Yah I like this music, the piano is good, I like it when it plays" I say, "Because you play piano" Mark says as he rolls his eyes, I snap my fingers and smile, "Exactly" I say before taking a sip of wine.

"Ah, do you remember Hyungwon, the CEO guy?" Mark asks me, I nod my head, "Wae?" I ask him, taking another sip. "Look" Mark points somewhere, I look, I see him looking at me for some reason then looks away. "I think he likes you, still" I shrug, "I got Jungkook now, he's my only one" I say, "Ooh, since when did you become so confident?" Mark teases me, "Whatever" I say as I take a third sip.

"I heard he's back, I can't believe it!" I hear a girl squeal, "I know right, I can't wait to see him!" I hear another girl squeal, "Do you know what they are talking about?" I ask Mark, he just shrugs and puts his glass down. "I've got to use the restroom, stay here ok, I don't want to lose you" he says, I nod my head and he leaves.

Thirdy minutes is how long me and Mark's been here, everything is so quiet unlike years before, everything loud and noisy. I hear another squeal, "He's here, I see him there!" the girl says and points, I look but was unable to by girls blocking the way, I roll my eyes, probably just another guy they think is hot, don't worry, Jungkook is still hotter than any guy.

Did I just say that or did I just say that, I just said that.

His figure comes into view, my mouth opens slightly, his hand in his pocket while the other hand is at his side, swaying as he walks, his black tux perfect on him, his bangs perfectly swayed to the side, and his perfect face.

His smile comes as he sees me, he walks to me and everybody murmurs, he holds his hand out.

"May I have this dance?"

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