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Jungkook and I finally go home, finding everybody worried. Jungkook and my hand are still interwined with each other.

"I thought you said he was gonna call?!" V exclaims at Jin, "Jungkook always tells us where he is going but I don't know why he didn't tell us this time" Jin says, we both step in and everybody looks at us. "Jeon Jungkook where were you, also you too, (y/n)!?" V yell at us, I bite my bottom lip and try to hide our hands that were together but Jungkook stops me and shakes his head, Jungkook looks at V and shows them our hands.

"We went for a date, not for the bet but for us, wae, got a problem?" Jungkook responds, V nods and calms down, "At least tell us next time" V says, "I left my phone" Jungkook says, "Then you should've used a pole phone" V tells him, "Do you think they have that now a days hyung, you are really old style" Jungkook shakes his head and pulls me upstairs, I thought I was going into my room but then Jungkook pulls me into his room, pinning me to the wall.

"You ok? With dating me?" Jungkook asks me, I shrug slightly and bite my bottom lip, "I guess so..." I drift off, he puts both of his hands against the wall, trapping me inside, "It's not that, it's either a yes or no" Jungkook tells me, I get the door knob and smile while laughing awkwardly, "I'm gonna go to my room now" I move his arm out of the way and run into my room.

I hear a knock on my door, I open it, only to get a kiss on my lips, he smiles. "I didn't get my good night kiss" he says and goes into his room, I close my door while my jaw is open wide, I start squealing.

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