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"Yah andwae!" I exclaim at him, he hovers over and kisses my lips, I push him away and stand.

"Ch!" I start walking out, "Jimin, Jungkook won't leave me alone!" I yell.

It's been a month since Jungkook and I been together, yet he still insists on being married now.

"Where is he, I'll kill him!" Jimin runs up the stairs, I laugh and shake my head. "It's not that bad, I just want him to leave me alone for a little bit" I tell Jimin, "You could have just said that" Jungkook steps out the room, "I would've obeyed" Jungkook looks at me, "Like you ever do" Jimin says to him, Jungkook frowns and goes back inside the room, "Great Jimin, you made him sad" Jimin shrugs and heads downstairs, now I have to go back in there when I tried to get out of there.

"Jungkook" he ignores and just reads the book, I sit beside him, "Jeon Jungkook" he ignores me again, I put my hand on the book, he looks at me. "I thought you said you wanted to be alone" Jungkook says to me, I smile and put my hand on his cheek, "What can I do? Jimin made you sad" I tell him, he smiles back at me.

He pecks my lips, I frown at him. "You are not allowed to steal kisses from me" I tell him, "I have to ask for your permission?" Jungkook questions me, I nod. "When we become married..." I roll my eyes and breath out, here we go again with the marriage. "When will we have a child?" I raise an eyebrow at that, "You want a child?" I question him, Jungkook nods and puts his head into my neck, "I said that I was gonna have a princess coming soon" he tells me, "You want a daughter?" I question him, "Wae? Want a prince instead?" I think for a moment, "It's better so they don't have to deal with stuff like me" I explain, "I want a princess, she's gonna be daddy's princess" Jungkook says to me, I smile and put my arm over his shoulder, "We should have one of both" I tell him, he smiles and looks up at me. "If we do, what should we name them?" Jungkook asks, "I want our son as Wonwoo, Jeon Wonwoo" I tell Jungkook, "Ooh I like that one ok, I want our princess as Soo Ah, Jeon Soo Ah" I smile, "Already naming children that don't exist yet" I sigh out, "They will soon"


"Is he any better?" Jimin asks me, I nod and sit, "He was talking about marriage again" I tell them, "Again?" J Hope questions.

"Anyways, how long are you guys staying?" I ask them, "Wae? You don't like us here?" Jin asks me, I shake my head, "That's not it, I like you guys staying here but I was just wondering" I explain, "Well, we're gonna live next to you guys so..." Jimin shakes his head, "You're gonna live next to ME" Jimin corrects, V nods. "Jimin hyung is right, (Y/n) is gonna get married to Jungkook and Jimin hyung will live here by himself" Suga comes in, "Why don't we just live here?" Suga suggests, "We should, let's not waste our money on another house" Jin says.

"The king is coming down!" we all hear Jungkook yell from upstairs, "Why is he so loud?" Jin questions and roll his eyes. Jungkook comes and bows.

"The king, Jeon Jungkook, has something to announce" we all look at him in curiousity, "I'm..." J Hope gesters him to hurry up, "Going to the store, who's going with me?" the others groan, wishing it was something good. I smile and stand, "I'll go" the others look at me, "You sure?" Jimin questions me, I nod and put my shoes on.


"Jungkook, we need beef" I tell him, he quickly grabs it and puts it in the cart, I check off.

"Hey there" I look up and see a guy, not just any guy, that guy who...

"Chanyeol" I breath out, he smirks and crosses his arms, "I'm surprised that you even remember me" he looks at me, "Have you fallen for me or something?" I can't fall into his trap, I can't fall into his trap, keep repeating that (y/n).

I smile. "I just came for some stuff that is needed at home" I tell him, "Oh arasso..." he turns his head and sighs. "Baekhyun hyung! Chen hyung! Those are for playing not eating!" Chanyeol exclaims, I turn my head as well and see two boys, trying to eat toy chickens, I scoff quietly and laugh quietly. Chanyeol turns back to me and waves me away, "Yeah yeah, you can laugh, at least they're not your hyungs" I stop and look at him, "How can they be my hyungs? I'm a girl not a boy" I tel him, he opens his mouth but I leave before he could even say anything.

"Got everything?" Jungkook nods, I smile, "Kaja" I look over my shoulder and see Chanyeol whining at his hyungs, I scoff and look forward.

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