"Jimin... Jimin... JIMIN!!!" I yell, he shoots up and falls off the bed, I quietly laugh until he gets up.

"Wae, wae?" Jimin has one eye open, "We have to go pick up her" I tell him, he shoots up and gets dressed.

"Kaja" we walk downstairs and they're eating, "We'll be back" Jimin drags me, "Where are you guys going?" Jin asks, "Going to go pick up somebody" Jimin answers, I look at Jungkook and see him looking at Jimin, more like a death glare or something, "Kaja" I snap out of my daze and follow him out.


"Noona!" Jimin waves his hand, she sees us and waves back.

"Sunny unnie!" I hug her, she hugs me back then let go. "It's nice seeing you guys again" Sunny says, Sunny came from the States, we met her like a year ago and she didn't know any Korean, good thing I was half American, Korean, and also a little Chinese so I was able to teach her, her Korean is better than ever.

"Have you gotten a boyfriend yet (y/n)?" Sunny asks me, "She did but broke up because he was, you know" Sunny nods in understandment, "Oh ok do you have another one?" Sunny asks me, I shook my head happily. "Yah keep your studies and dance on one side of your brain then boys on the other" Sunny says to me and attempts to hit me playfully, "She doesn't have time for that noona" Jimin puts an arm over my shoulder, "Ch..." I push it off and walk off with Sunny.

"Yah I'm the one who drove here!" Jimin yells, "And we can just take the bus!" I yell back, Sunny and I laugh.


"We're back!" Jimin yells, "There's people here, what is Jimin doing everyday?" Sunny asks me, I smile and sigh happily, "Unnie they're nice this time, I don't know how Jimin got to be friends with them" I whisper the last part, we both walk into the kitchen.

Sunny stops walking and stares, I raise an eyebrow to what she is looking at, I turn my head and see Jin the same way, I bite my bottom lip from laughing, smirking, or smiling. "Sunny unnie!" I yell, she looks at me then back at Jin, then looks at me, "Mianhe (y/n) I just got distracted" Sunny smiles at me and I smile back.

"(Y/n) I got something" J Hope says to me, I look at him in curiousness, he gets something out of his pocket, "Here" my eyes widen, "EXO's signatures!" I grab it out of his hands, "How did you get this!?" I exclaim at him, "They happened to have a fan meeting yesterday and bam!" J Hope explains, I hug him, "Thank you Hobie oppa!" I yell, "It works, you're right Jimin!" J Hope says to Jimin, I let me go and look at him in disbelieve, "You only did that so I can call you oppa didn't you?" I question him, he nods happily, "Ch..." I gestered that I was gonna hit him on the head but I just sat down.

But I sat on somebody, I turn to look at his face, my eyes widen. "Mianhe Jungkook!" I stand but he pulls me back down, he looks at me, "Just sit here, there's not enough seats" he says to me, I bite my bottom lip and nod a little, "Ok let's eat" Jin says and sits, Sunny sits beside him, "(y/n) want to go to the store together tomorrow I have stuff to buy" Sunny asks me, I look at her and smile happily, "Arasso I'm free tomorrow" Sunny smiles back and nods then eats her food.

I almost fell off but then Jungkook wraps his arms around me to prevent me from falling. "Gwomawo" I whisper to him, I start eating my food, but Jungkook can't eat his. I put my spoon down and get his instead with food on it.

"Cha, you're not gonna be able to eat" I put it in front of his mouth, he hesitates before opening his mouth, I smile and put it in his mouth, "Good boy" I ruffle his hair, he looks away, I can see him smiling slightly, I bit my bottom lip from smiling.

"Ah" he stops me, he takes the spoon and puts it in himself, "I can hold you by one arm" Jungkook says, he starts eating and so do I, we both share glances a couple of times. Jimin all of the sudden stands up, he smiles and sighs happily, "I'm done, I'm going upstairs" Jimin heads up the stairs, I watch him as he decends up the stairs.

I get off of Jungkook, "There's one seat now" I take my plate and sit where Jimin sat. I start eating my food quickly.

"Sunny unnie you can have this room" I show her her room, "What happened to the one across from you?" Sunny asks me, "Jungkook got that one" I answer, "Awe I loved that room, not really, I just stayed right there because it was your favorite colors, black, white, and red" Sunny teases me, I nudge her and laugh.

"(Y/n) are you sure you're not dating anybody, that guy that you sat on looked like he was your boyfriend or something" Sunny says to me, Jungkook my boyfriend, psh in my dreams, "Aniya he's not, he's just Jimin's friend nothing more" I say, Sunny nudges me and smiles sheepishly, "Aye it didn't seem like that" Sunny says to me, "Even if it did look like it, Jungkook would never like me, I'm way below his profile" I say, "I don't think so, Jungkook might like a girl that's cute, has dimples, se-" "Unnie stop already, I admit I like him ok!" I say to her and cross my arms.

Sunny starts tickling me and I start laughing hard, as we stop I was facing the door, Jungkook was standing there, he then went into his room.

"Want to check him out?" Sunny asks me, "Unnie!" I exclaim at her, "Arasso, get out now, I'm tired" Sunny pushes me out, I smile and tell her good night.

I see Jungkook leaning on his door, I just avoid and walk towards my room.

"Yah stop" I stop at Jungkook's command, I turn around and look up, I smile awkwardly.

"If this is about sitting on you during lunch I am sorry" I put my hands in front of me to protect me, he goes off of his door and comes towards me.

I back up while he comes forward, my back hits the wall. I put my hands to my chest, he is close enough to kiss me.

"I didn't hear wrong did I?" Jungkook says to me, I tilt my head a little, what does he mean, "You like me?" Jungkook says, my eyes widen at that.

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