Jungkook and I head inside the house and see them looking at us.

Jin stands, "Bwo? what happened, what is it?" Jin asks, I bite my bottom lip, "Um..." I scratch my neck a little, "It was something in her eyes, my mother got it taken care of" Jungkook says, I nod my head, Jin crosses his arms, "Jjinja?" I nod my head again, "Jjinja-ah, it wasn't anything important" I tell him, he nods his head and sits back down.

"Jagiya kaja" I nod my head and let Jungkook guide me upstairs.


As we enter the room, she spazzes out.

"I can't believe I lied! I never lied before!" (Y/n) exclaims out, I smile and hug her, she hugs me back, "It'll be ok, we'll tell them later on" she nods her head, then pushes me away, "I don't want to be in the same room as you" she says, "Wae?" I ask her, "Because of what happened the other nights, it happened when we were alone" I sigh and walk towards her, she backs away.

I grin a little, "So you're gonna run away from me?" I ask her, "If I have to" she answers, I grab her hand and pull her towards me, she stumbles and falls onto my chest, I wrap my arms around her waist.

"Also don't forget, Mark hyung's proposal to Tiffany noona is tomorrow" I tell her, she hits her head, "Right, I almost forgot about that!" she exclaims, she looks at me. "What time is it?" she asks me, I take my phone out, "6 pm" I answer, she nods her head.

"That lady at the house we went to earlier, are you sure she's your mother, she looks quite young" (Y/n) asks me, "It is my eomma, she just has the face of a teenager" I tell her, she nods her head, "(Y/n)-ah..." I call for her, she looks at me, I smile then kiss her, she kisses me back, wrapping her arms around my neck.


"Jimin oppa~" I say and poke his cheek.

"That's my name" Jimin says as he continues to eat the chips, suddenly I hear running coming from upstairs, "I heard you call him oppa!" Jungkook exclaims at me, I roll my eyes and stand, "It's not like I haven't called you oppa" I say to him, he pouts and crosses his arms.

"Jungkook! Jungkook!" I hear Jin yell from upstairs and running down the stairs, he stops and pants, we three just stare at him.

"He escaped" Jin huffs out, Jungkook stands straight and looks at him, "When?" Jungkook asks Jin, "Yesterday, I just got notified" Jin answers, Jungkook runs his hand through his hair, he looks at me. "You have to call everybody" Jungkook says, was he saying that to me?

"Ye" Jin says and runs upstairs, so it wasn't me. "What am I gonna do with you?" Jungkook says to me this time, I think. He pulls me towards him and hugs me, I hug him back, still unsure of what happening.

"We're here" Jungkook turns his head over his shoulder, but still holding me towards him. "Oh, we need to go by plan B" Jungkook says to them, they all bow, "Ye" they say and start running.

Since when did Jungkook's hyungs become so obedient to Jungkook?

"Jagi" I look at Jungkook, "You have to stay safe arasso?" Jungkook tells me, I nod my head, "Don't worry Jungkook" I tell him and caress his cheeks. He sighs and picks me up bridal style all of the sudden.


He lays me on the bed slowly and hovers over me slowly.

He moves a piece of hair from my face, I caress his cheek again, he looks at me then at my lips, he leans closer and kisses me, I put my arms around his neck and kiss him back.

And you know how it went from there.


I pull her closer to me each time, I take in her scent each time, I kiss her each time.

She squirms towards me, I smile sadly, I couldn't smile, he's out, he's gonna come after (Y/n), but I've planned it out with the others already, I knew this was gonna happen one of these days, and it was today.

"Jungkook..." I hear her mumble, I look at her and she was sleeping still, I guess she's dreaming about me, her expression saddens, "Wonwoo..." she also mumbles, a tear falls from her closing eye, I wipe it off, Wonwoo? the name she wanted to call our future son?

Her eye open suddenly and she lays up, she breaths in heavily. "(Y/n)-ah? what's wrong?" I ask her, she looks at me and sighs of relief, she hugs me, I hug her back. "I thought I lost you" she mumbles into my neck, I stroke her hair, "You won't lose me" I tell her, but I don't which of us will lose each other.

We both look at each other and I give her a little kiss on the lips, she smiles slightly and lays back down beside me. "Jungkook, you wouldn't mind if we got a baby boy right?" (Y/n) asks me, she called Wonwoo's name, is this why she's asking?

I shake my head, "I wouldn't mind, my baby princess that is gonna be born later is needed to be protected by her older brother" she giggles, I love it. She nods her head, "Arasso, let's have the older brother get the little sister" she says and hugs me, I hug her back and move her closer to me.


"Is there anything you want to do today?" Jungkook asks me as he holds me firmly to him.

"Hmm... I wanted to go to the movie theater" I answer, "Let's go then" I stop Jungkook, "Now?" I ask him, he nods his head.


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