"Jungkook?" she says, pitch black as it is then a light comes on, two people tied up, one Jungkook, the other is a little boy.

"Eomma/(Y/n)!" Jungkook and the little boy yells, another person comes from the dark, he was smirking evilly, "Kai! Leave my wife and son alone!" Jungkook yells, Kai laughs evilly and looks at (Y/n), "Who would you choose to die and save?" Kai asks her, "Jungkook, your husband or..." Kai points at the little boy, "Or..."

"Your son"


I lay up quickly, gasping. Everybody looks at me weirdly, "Something wrong?" Jin asks me, I shake my head and smile, "Aniya just suddenly woke" I say, they nod and went back to what they were doing, I look to my side to get a glass of water but then I see a starbucks cup, full, untouched.

"Is this one of you guy's?" I ask them, they shake their head, "It was there before we came" Jin says, I nod my head, I think for a moment before smiling, it was Chanyeol, he promised me, I remember now.

But that dream, what does it mean? Is it warning me? Is it just a nightmare that I'll lose Jungkook? That little boy, is it our son, Jungkook's and mine?


"(Y/n)!" I jump and look at V, "I've been calling your name" V tells me, "Sorry, I was just dazing" I tell him, he nods and talks, I don't listen as I think again, about that dream.

That's the second time, one was when I was unconcious, I remember that, then now it was today, is it gonna come a third time.

"Food's here!" Jin says, we all dig in, I eat slowly, still thinking. "(Y/n) you ok?" I stop with my chopsticks in my mouth, I look at all of them, they are all looking at me, "I'm fine, but where's Jungkook?" I ask them, "He's got something to do today so he couldn't come today" J Hope explains, I nod and eat again.


"(Y/n), you're awfully quiet today" I look at J Hope, he was looking at me, "I just bored, I got nothing to talk about" I answer, "Is it because Jungkook is not here?" V questions me, I smile and shake my head.

"I'm just a little tired" I say, "Tired, you get to stay in bed all day while we have to come here" V whines, "I don't know, it feels uncomforable here, I want to go home" I say. "You are allowed to stay here and sleep on the couch" I tell him, V shakes his head and lays himself on the bed next to me, "This is more comfy" he nods his head. "Alien" I shake my head.


"You've been gone all day Jeon Jungkook" I scold him, "Sorry, had some business" Jungkook says, rubbing his neck, "I thought you got kidnapped or something" I tell him, "I could protect myself, you've seen me protect you" Jungkook winks at me, "Right, that time with Taeyang?" I question him, laughing.

"Yah quit laughing! If I wasn't there, you would still be with him instead of me, and we would still be hating each other!" I stop laughing as I saw Jungkook pouting, "Awe, my Kookie is sad" Jungkook comes to my side while raising an eyebrow, "Kookie?" Jungkook questions me, I nod my head. "My nickname for you is Kookie" I tell him, he nods.

"Are you happy that you are gonna get discharged tomorrow?" Jungkook asks me, I nod happily, "I have to, I have to look for a dress for the school reunion, it's the day after tomorrow" I tell him, "I'll go with you, to look for a dress" Jungkook says, I smile and nod.

"Jungkook, remember when we first met?" I ask him, he chuckles and holds my hand. "Yes, I even heard what you said when I went up the stairs" I gulp, "Heard what?" I ask him, he breaths in. "How is there a guy like that!?" Jungkook mimics, I roll my eyes and hit his shoulder, "You called me a maid and said I wasn't as pretty as I seem" I tell him, this time he gulps.

"I remember the maid part, but was this part about you not pretty?" Jungkook asks, looking like he's trying to remember, I hit his arm, "I know you remember  Jeon Jungkook!" I exclaim at him, he chuckles and looks at me, "Of course I remember, I don't have any objections against it though" my eyes widen and I push him off the seat.

"Yah, I only said that because I knew I fell for you!" Jungkook exclaims at me, I put the pillow back in place because I was gonna hit him with it. "You weren't pretty" Jungkook says as he sits back in place, I roll my eyes and look away, I feel him hold my hands, "You were beautiul" I glance at him, he was smiling.

"Jjinja Jungkook, you know how to flatter someone" I tell him as I look at him again, my cheeks a little red, "I only do that for my girlfriend, who is also my future wife" Jungkook says to me, I smile and pinch his cheeks.

"You're still on that" I say to him, happy that he still wants me as his wife, Jungkook nods. "You're my only one" he tells me. I smile shyly and turn my back towards him as I lay down, "Yah, trying to avoid me?" Jungkook questions me as he pokes my side, I hit his hand lightly.

"Hajima" I tell him smiling, he makes me turn around and tilts his head to look at my face. "Saranghae" Jungkook says to me smiling, I smile back and caress his cheek, "Nado Saranghae" I tell him, he closes his eyes and so do I.

Let's just hope I don't have that dream again, the little boy or Jeon Jungkook, to save or die.

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