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"(Y/n), (y/n)!" I hear someone calling my name, I open my eyes and see V shaking me, I lay up and look at him. "Wae?" I ask him, "You don't even mess up your hair, anyways! Jungkook told me to wake you up and get ready, dress pretty" V explains to me, I raise an eyebrow and tilt my head a little, making sure I heard right.

"He said what?" I ask him, "Jungkook said to get ready and make sure to dress pretty" he explains again, my eyes widen and cover myself with the blanket, "What does he want?" I ask V as I trace my fingers onto my lips, thinking of yesterday. V chuckles and pulls me out of bed and pushes me into the bathroom, "Get ready, you're going on a date" V says and runs out of my room, my eyes widen. "WHAT!?" I yell but he was already gone.


"(Y/n) looks really pretty" J Hope says, I lower my head because of embarassment, then I hear someone come down the stairs, I turn my head and see Jungkook in a sweater and jeans. "Jungkook good you're in time!" V says, Jungkook looks at him confused, V comes and pushes Jungkook towards me, almost making me fall but Jungkook catches me, on the waist.

V leans in and smiles, "Go on a date for us, I did a bet again" V whispers to us, I stomp my foot, making everybody startled. My face is red from anger, "Yah..." V says and tries to reach for me, I move away from him and shove him away, "Does that make any sense?" I question him, "Why do you have to make a bet?" I question him again, "Isn't that basically toying with Jungkook's and my feelings?" I question him once more, V stops smiling and rubs his neck out of awkwardness, it is very quiet.

"Mianhe but..." I just walk out the house, I don't care who follows me out.

Someone grabs onto my wrist, I try to get off but his grip is stronger than mine, I turn around to see who it was, I wasn't surprised to see him.

"What Jungkook?" I ask him, "Yah you ok?" Jungkook asks me, feeling tears filling my eyes, I shook my head immediately and hug him while bawling.


"You ok now?" Jungkook asks me again, I nod my head this time and push him away a little, "Mian I think I just ruined your jacket" I tell him, he looks down and scoff playfully, "It's ok, it's worth it" Jungkook says, I tilt my head little, not understanding what he meant.

"What do you mean?" I ask him, "Ah... also last night when you said because you're mine, what do you mean by that too?" I ask him, he comes closer and pulls me close also by the waist, "You don't know what I meant do you?" Jungkook asks me, I shook my head slowly while looking up to look at him, I try to push him away but he keeps me close.

He kisses me again, I already close my eyes and kiss back. I realize what I'm doing and pull away but Jungkook doesn't let me, making me sink into the kiss again.

Jungkook finally pulls away and we both try to catch our breaths. I bite my bottom lip and look away, "(Y/n) you're mine now, you understand now?" Jungkook asks me, I nod as I understood what he meant.

Jungkook wants me to be his girlfriend, his love, his only one.


"Kaja" I look at him confused, "Go where?" I ask him, he smiles, what has happened to the cold Jeon Jungkook I had known for a week? I'm not used to this happy Jeon Jungkook yet, maybe just a little.

"We're supposed to go on a date remember?" Jungkook reminds me, oh yeah, the one V did for a bet.

"Is it for the bet?" I ask him, "This is a real one" Jungkook pulls me close again and pecks my lips, "For our love" Jungkook smiles again and pulls me somewhere.


"Monie hyung it's all your fault only if you didn't do that stupid bet!" V yells at Rap Mon hyung, "I said I was sorry already!" Rap Mon hyung yells back, V's hands turns into fists, "Do you think sorry is gonna do anything, we don't even know where (y/n) or Jungkook is at all!" V yells again, I gently hold onto V's shoulder, he looks at me and relaxes a bit.

"Jimin hyung" he says to me, "Mianhe hyung, I-I..." I stop him from talking and just smiled, "It's ok, (y/n) is smart, she'll be fine, even with Jungkook there, she'll be more than fine" I tell him, he nods and sits while sighing.

My heart hurts, (y/n) and Jungkook together, I liked (y/n) before Jungkook did yet she fell for him, I've always been there for her, she's also been there for me. I really want to be with (y/n) but since she's with Jungkook, I might as well wish them happiness.

"Jimin hyung!" I snap out of my thoughts and look at V, "What?" I ask him, "I've been calling your name a million times hyung" V says to me, I smile, "Mian V" I apologize, "Where exactly is (y/n) and Jungkook?" V questions, "Don't worry, Jungkook will call later to tell us" Jin hyung tells V.

Jungkook please keep her safe.


"Feel any better?" Jungkook asks me, I nod happily and smile, "Ice cream does help you" Jungkook says to me, I sigh happily and smile again, "Jimin always buys me ice cream whenever I feel sad or get hurt" I explain, Jungkook suddenly stops and grabs my arm gently, I look at him.

"Jimin hyung... don't hang out with him a lot" Jungkook says to me, I smile and scoff playfully, "It's not that easy, Jimin is my child-hood best friend, I'll always be there for him and he'll always be there for me" I explain to him, I continue walking but Jungkook stops me again, "I'll always be there for you now so... always stay with me 24/7" Jungkook says to me, I look away while blushing.


Heller it's the author. You may call me Yongbin, it's my Korean name, Choi Yongbin.

How do you like the story so far? I hope you're enjoying it so far.

Who's your favorite in BTS? Jungkook is mine, Jungkook and his bunny smile while Jimin is showing off his abs to everybody 😒

My sister likes Jimin though, she can go as high as Jimin too.

I'm more like a rapper type, vocal also... and dancing line.

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