I open my eyes tiredly and yawn quietly, I lay up in the bed and turn my head. I look at the Jungkook who is sleeping beside me, we did it last night, I just hope the others didn't hear.

I stand and head into the bathroom to take a shower.


As soon as I got done, I see Jungkook finally waking up and wondering where I've gone.

I step out from the bathroom and his eyes land on me, he smiles with one eye open while the other closed, "If you're tired Jungkook, go to sleep" I tell him, "Andwae, I want to do things today" Jungkook says as he stands, he grabs his towel that is on the floor and wraps it around his waist.

"I'm gonna take a shower now, can you go get my clothes jagi?" Jungkook asks as he comes to me, I nod my head, he smiles again and pecks my lips before going into the bathroom behind me.

I head into his room next door and grab his clothes in his drawer, I got him a white collar shirt and jeans, I lay it on my bed for him. I smile as I hear singing coming from the bathroom, it's Jungkook singing. He's singing Haru Haru by Big Bang, who wouldn't?


"Morning guys" I say to the others as I sit, "Morning" they say as they ate.

"Where did you guys go yesterday?" I ask them, "Oh, we went to the movies" V answers, "Then went to the arcade after" J Hope says, "Then went out to eat" Jimin adds, "And you didn't let me go, Jungkook stayed with me the whole time, Jungkook would've enjoyed going with y'all" I scold them, "Oh well" Jimin shrugs, I roll my eyes and eat my breakfast.

"Morning hyungs" Jungkook says, "Uh... Jungkook, your shirt?" V says, pointing behind me, at Jungkook, "It was (Y/n) who picked this shirt for me" Jungkook says, I nod and shrug, "What's so bad about his shirt?" I ask them as I turn around, my mouth opens slightly, the shirt I picked for Jungkook, it was see through, you could see his abs right through it, but I have to admit it again, they are perfect.

"Now you see what's so bad?" I nod, I think I've been staring so long, "Come on jagi, you got to see them last night the whole time" Jungkook says, winking at me, my eyes widen and I turn back around quickly.

"Oh yeah that reminds me, we kept hearing something last night" J Hope says, eyeing me and Jungkook, "Jungkook you really got to slow it down, quit making her scream so much" V says, "I don't know hyung, I love her too much" I'm covering my face up, shit they heard it, I repeat that in my head.

"Next time, do it in a hotel or something" Suga says, I immediately look up and my jaw opens, "Oppa!" I exclaim at Suga, he grins and winks, I sigh and cross my arms. "I really hate you guys" I mumble, "We love you too!" they say back, I roll my eyes and hide my smile.

I stand and grab the chips on the counter and open them, "Ooh, can I have some!?" J Hope asks, jumping up and running to me. I move to the side and J Hope hits the counter with his body, he groans in pain and falls to the floor, "Are you ok Hoseok?" I ask him, he shakes his head and waves it off, then he looks at me immediately, "I'm still having some chips" he says before groaning in pain again.

I shake my head and walk away, "Jimin, I'm gonna go get ready, you should too" I tell him. "I ain't going today" Jimin says, "Why not?" I ask him, he shrugs and smiles, "Let's skip today" Jimin says, I glance at Jungkook who was eating the chips that are on the table, I gasp and take the bag from him, he whines and looks at me, "Have you eaten your breakfast yet?" I question him, he winks and grins a little.

"I would if I could" he says, looking at me, I hit the back of his head, "I'm talking about real food, not me" I say to him slowly, he shakes his head, I close the chip bag and give it to Jin, he nods his head, I smile at him and head upstairs.


"Yes Jungkook?" I ask him as he enters the room, he walks to me and sits beside me, "Since Jimin hyung said that you guys aren't going today, let's go on a date" I stand, "I'll think about" I tell him as I walk away, but then I get pulled back and I get seated on Jungkook's lap.

He smiles at me as he wraps his arms around my waist, "You're still thinking?" Jungkook asks me, "I really don't have a choice, do I?" I tell him, he shakes his head. "Fine, I'll get ready" I say, getting up, but then I get pulled down.

He holds me and puts his head to my chest, "Let's stay like this for a little bit" Jungkook says and closes his eyes, I smile and play with his hair.

"Where exactly are we going?" I ask Jungkook, he smiles and just holds my hand, "You'll see" I sigh and hope he's not kidnapping me.


"Now you may open your eyes" I uncover my eyes and see a beautiful sunset in front of the river, my eyes wonder around in admiration, I smile brightly and touch the water with the tips of my fingers, Jungkook's hand grabs my hand out of the water lightly, I look at him and he smiles at me.

"I know it's pretty but that's not what I wanted to show you" he helps me stand, he puts his hands behind him, "Remember when I said that I had something to give you?" Jungkook says to me, "You said it was a surprise" I correct him. "I said that? I thought I said that I have something to give you?" Jungkook says, scratching his head, "You did" I say, man I love teasing him.

"What the freak!? Which one is it!?" Jungkook asks, "Just hurry up!" I whine at him, he chuckles and nods, "Well I was supposed to give this to you yesterday but it rained" Jungkook pauses, "But, this seems like a good time" he puts his hand out and it is between us, above my head.

His hand above me, it is in a fist, but then it opens, slowly something dangles from his hand. I smile very widely and take the necklace from his hand, "Jungkook it's pretty! I like it no, I love it!" I exclaim as I contain the butterfly necklace, he chuckles at me.

"Here, I'll help you put it on" Jungkook takes the necklace and puts it around my neck, I move my hair away and he locks it. He moves half a step away, he smiles. "You're beautiful" he says to me, I gasp and nudge his arm, "Finally you got it right!" I exclaim at him playfully, he does a mad face, making me laugh, his mad face fades away and he smiles as well.

He cups my face, making me look at him. "Saranghae Jung (Y/n)" Jungkook says to me before kissing me, we're kissing in front of a sunset and a beautiful river, isn't that a dream?

And as I couldn't say before he kisses me, nado saranghae Jeon Jungkook.

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