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"(Y/n), I found this on the table" Jin says to me as he hands the starbucks drink, I smile and thank him. Chanyeol really keeps his promise.

"Where did you get that from?" Jungkook asks as he points at the drink in my hand, I smile. "A chingu gave it to me" I answer, he nods and grabs my bags.


"Feels nice to be at home now" I say as I sit on the couch, "Come on princess, we still have to go look for your dress" Jungkook says to me, pulling me up, "Right, for the school reunion" I say, Jungkook pulls me to his car, "Yep" Jungkook says.


"How about this one?" I ask Jungkook, he shakes his head, "Too revealing" I slouch, "It's just the legs" I tell him, "If you wear that, you're not innocent anymore" Jungkook says to me, crossing his arms, "Fine, I'll find another dress" I say as I put it back on the rack.

I picked up a dress, night blue, goes all the way to my feet, and holds under the arms. I smile and show Jungkook, "This one?" I ask him, hoping he will say yes. He nods his head, I smile and squeal while looking at the dress again.


"Thanks Jungkook, but you didn't have to pay for it" I tell him, "That's what boyfriends do for their girlfriends" Jungkook says to me winking, I smile and hold his arm while leaning my head on it. I point at the shoe store, we both head in.

"Jungkook, not happening" I tell him, "Come on, you'll look pretty in them" Jungkook says to me, trying to convince me, I shake my head and push his hands away, "I'm not wearing heels, and I never will" I tell him, "Come on, you got to look good and dominate all those girls in your school" Jungkook says to me, "I used to be the popular one in school" I tell him.

"Ugh fine" I say as I take the heels from him, "Good cause these will match with your dress" I pinch his cheek, "Thanks Kookie" I say, the heels are black, glittering like little stars.

"Jungkook, these are 3 inch right?" I ask him as I walk, "Yes so don't worry, you're not taller than me" Jungkook says to me, I stop and look at him with my hands to my hip. "I'm 5'5 without these, you're 5'10, of course these won't do anything to you" I tell him, having a tall boyfriend is sometimes an advantage.

"Hey at least you're one inch below instead of 5" Jungkook says to me laughing, I roll my eyes and take the heels off before paying them, well actually Jungkook payed for them.


"Jungkook we could've eaten lunch at home" I tell him, "I know Jin hyung's food taste better than this but at least just try some" I smile and put a spoonful of food into his mouth, "See, you're even feeding me" Jungkook says with his mouth full, "Yeah, yeah" I say as I look out the window.

I see a guy in all black standing there. I squint my eyes, fangs, I see them again, also his eyes, they're light blue then they change to brown. I quickly look away before something else happens, that reminds me of Jungkook's, his turns from brown to red then back to brown, I forgot that I was gonna ask Jungkook about that.

"Jungkook" he looks up at me with a mouthful of food, I smile as I grab a napkin and wipe his mouth, he smiles at me, just without opening his mouth. "I've been meaning to ask you this" he hums for me to continue, "Why..." I clear my throat, "Why does your eyes change color?" I ask him, looking into his eyes, he coughs hard.

My eyes widen and I pat his back while I hand him a water, I wait for him to settle down until he can answer. "What?" Jungkook asks, breathing in for air, "Your eyes, they change. Brown to red then back to brown, why?" I ask him, he looks away before clearing his throat. "You must be imagining, my eyes can't do that" Jungkook says to me, drinking his water after, "How can that be, I've seen it many times Jungkook" I tell him.

Jungkook looks at me, "It can't happen (Y/n), how can my eyes do that, you have to be imagining ok?" Jungkook says to me, sincerely, I nod my head in obedience and eat my food.


"Thanks for buying basically everything Kookie" I tell him, he smiles sheepishly and hug me from behind, "Your welcome jagi~" Jungkook cooes at me and kisses my cheek.

"Only if you can come, we can match" I say as I grab my book and put it on the shelf. "Yeah I know, but you know..." he trails off, I sigh and turn around, Jungkook puts his arms around my waist while I put mine around his neck, he sways our bodies side to side.

He pecks my lips, "Yah how many times do I have to tell you?" I scold him, "Everytime when I kiss you" Jungkook says to me before grinning, I smile and hug him, putting my head against his chest. "I rather stay like this for my whole life" Jungkook says to me, I look up at him while he looks down at me, he deeply kisses me before letting me go.


"I'm done, you can go" I hear Jungkook say, I turn my head, but that was only a mistake. He only had a towel around his waist and his abs showed, but damn he had perfect abs, I looked away quickly before I get caught, but I think I did as I hear him chuckling.

"Like what you see?" I cover my face in embarassment, "Shut up, it's your fault" I say, "Yeah, go now" I run past him and shower.

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