Part One: Back to the Center

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*Echo's POV*

"Echo, I'm so sorry." Susana said.

"NO YOU'RE NOT! OR ELSE YOU WOULDN'T HAVE DONE THIS!" I shouted. She was sending me back to the center. I've only been in her home for 7 months, and they were already sending me back.

"Echo, we have no other choice!" Said Jake.

"But you said you would adopt me...fully..." I mumbled in tears.

"Things change." Susana said. "We can't afford to adopt you. We can't afford to keep you. Echo, we can hardly afford to take care of you. We need to send you back. It's for the best."


"You're going back." Jake interrupted. "End of story."

"F-fine. I'll go pack my things." My lip was quivering. I didn't expect this to happen. Not after what they told me last month. I was stupid to think that it would ever happen.


"Echo, we have big news!" Susana said as she put her fork down on her empty plate and looked at me with gleaming eyes.

"Really? What is it?" I asked curiously.

"Well," Jake said, "Susana and I decided that-"

"We're going to adopt you!" Susana shouted happily.

"What?! Really?" I said out of disbelief and excitement. "When?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe some time around next month, when we can afford it." Said Susana.


As I got into the car, I was getting less and less surprised. I should've expected this to happen. I should've known. I shouldn't have hoped so much. I was so stupid.

"Here we are." Susana said after about 20 minutes of driving.

Susana and Jack walked me into the center and dropped me off after explaining the situation to Ms. Hills, the caretaker, and left. And just like that, they were gone. Forever.

"Nice seeing you again, Echo."

I sighed. "You too, Ms. Hills."

That marks off foster home #18. It's funny to know that I've been through 18 homes in 6 years, and no one has adopted me. There's something wrong with me. I just know it.

"C'mon, Echo. I'll walk you to your old room."

A/N: Sorry it was really short you guys. I just needed a starting point to go from. :) I hope you like this story! 

Adopted by Chris Motionless and Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now