Part 23: Family

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A/N: They look so happy here I swear to god...


We were all a family. This was my family. All of those people who said I'd never make it in this world...I proved them wrong. I was living my dream. I had a family to go along with it. That was success. And I was loving it.

I was the Dad, so was Ricky, Echo and Ashton were our kids, and we were lucky to have them. I was lucky to have them. I don't deserve any of them, but I got them anyway. Ricky was my little roadkill, and I loved him so much. He was the only one that could ever make me happy. He was the only one that could show me that there was hope in the world. There was someone who loves you, you just have to find them. Echo was my daughter. Her 14th birthday was next week. She was growing up so fast. We adopted her at 13, so she had already been raised. She was already matured. But it feels like I've had her since day one. I loved her like it, too. Ashton was my son. He reminded me a lot of Ricky. He was broken when I found him, and he'll be fixed before long. He would grow up to be something big, I just know it. He would change the world. He's perfectly capable of it, too. I was so proud of both of them, and I was glad to be their father. Oh, and did I mention that they both can comfortably call me Dad now? It's awesome. 

Ricky's sister, Eryn, was their aunt, and she was coming to meet them today. The guys were the uncles. Angelo was protective, Balz and Vinny were the goofballs that made everyone laugh, Devin was the nice supportive uncle who would encourage them to be whatever they wish to be, and Ryan was the awkward uncle that would just play video games with them and goof around with them from time to time.

Ashton would go over to Vinny's every now and then to practice drumming. Vinny says he's getting better everyday, and soon he'll be the new drummer after a while. 

I've been helping Echo with her vocals since she sang at the funeral. She was a very good singer, and so was Ashton, but Ashton just wasn't interested. Echo was. She's getting better at taking care of her voice, and soon she might even be my  replacement. 

This was my family, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Everything was perfect.

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