Part 51: Ange's Wedding

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After all of the stuff with the Meritts last week, we really needed to calm down. Like a lot.

What better way to do that than one of my best friends wedding?

Me and Ricky couldn't be more exited, Echo was happy, and Ashton was still pissed off. He still fucking hated us.

As we walked up to the building where the wedding was, I saw Ricky nudge Ashton.

"You better loose the attitude. I'm not putting up with it." He said.

"Fine." Ashton said.

When we got inside the room where the wedding was being held, we saw Ryan Ashley, and Kylie sitting in a row somewhere near the front.

"Hey." I said to Kylie.

"Hey, you're a little late." She said.

"I know. We had to convince Ash to come." I said.

"Oh, I see."

So Echo and Ashton sat in between them, and me and Ricky left to get ready, since we had to stand behind Angelo.

Before I left, I saw Ashton pull out his phone and start texting someone.

It better not be her...

I walked over to him and took the phone out of his hand. And of course, there was her name at the top of the screen.

"You're not texting her here. Not at your uncle's wedding. I'm not having it." I said.

"Dad! Why not?" He nearly shouted.

"I suggest you lower your voice and loose the attitude, Ashton! She puts too much negativity on you! And I'm tired of seeing it! And you certainly aren't having it here! Loose the attitude now, or there'll be serious consequences!" I said as I walked away.

I didn't even care if this girl was 13, I fucking hated her. She was tearing this family apart!

I decided to just move past it for now and go get ready for Ange's wedding as fast as I could.


This was so unfair! He took my phone, but not Echo's? She was texting Ross! Why didn't he take her phone away?

"Stop looking at me like that." Echo said.

"It's kind of hard not to. It's not fair that you didn't get your phone taken away." I said.

"I don't argue with Ross all the time." She said right before her voice dropped to a whisper. "And Ross doesn't hit me and yell at me."

Just as Echo finished saying that, Ryan Ashley nudged her and whispered.

"Put your phone away, Echo. And put it on silent. Kelly and the bridesmaids are about to start walking down the aisle." She said.

Echo nodded her head and stuffed her phone in her jacket pocket.

We sat there for a few minutes before the music started playing.


I looked out at the seats that the kids were sitting in. Ryan Ashley was doing a pretty good job keeping them in line. I expected them to argue a lot. I swear, the way Ryan treats kids she's watching, you could tell she would be a good mom some day.

I heard Angelo whisper to me.

"I'm nervous." He whispered.

"I was, too." I whispered back.

Ange sighed and looked out in the aisle as Kelly's niece, who was the flower girl, came dropping yellow and white flower petals down the aisle.

Then came a bunch of other girls they knew, who were the bridesmaids, with their arms linked with Vinny, Ryan, Devin, and Balz. It was kind of funny seeing them walk down the aisle, because the girls looked absolutely terrified.

Then, after the bridesmaids and they guys took their place, Kelly came in sight. Angelo's eyes got really big when he saw her. I couldn't help but laugh to myself. It was so cute!

Kelly was wearing one of those dresses where it was really skinny and form fitting on the top and it gets kind of fluffy at the bottom. She told me what it was called like a hundred times, I just forgot because well, I'm me. And I don't know the names of wedding dresses...she still looked beautiful, though.

When her dad was finished walking her down the aisle, she stood next to Angelo and waited for the guy who was supposed to marry them to start talking.

He went on and on about sickness and death, and being married until death do them part, and a bunch of other stuff until Kelly and Ange had to put the rings on each other's fingers, and then he said the last few things.

"Kelly and Angelo Parente, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

So yay! The kissed! They were married! Yay!

They're so fucking cute I can't even.

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