Part Six: Lucas

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Our tour manager, Josh, picked us up at the airport and drove us to the place where we were all meeting up. He brought his son with him, who's 16, that I eventually caught Echo staring at with big eyes on the way there. Our tour manager's wife for some reason thought it would be a good idea to give the kid the same name as his dad's, so now there's 2 Josh's in his family. To avoid confusion, everyone just calls him Lucas, which is his middle name. Josh also brought Bryan, who was 15, Maddie, who was 11, and Jack, who was 10. They were all his kids, and since we couldn't get any roadies on such short notice, Josh brought his kids along to help out.

When we got to the buses, which was where everyone was meeting, Ash Costello was outside talking to Oli Sykes. When Echo got out of the car, she froze in her spot when she saw Oli. Oli noticed and waved at her, which she did back. Ricky walked by her while laughing.

"Senpai noticed her." I said.

We all walked towards the MIW/BMTH tour bus and walked inside. Me and Ricky sat on the built-in couch and everyone else was standing up. Josh already marked everyone's bunk, so Ricky told Lucas to go show Echo where her's was. I don't know why he told Lucas to do it, out of the 21 people on this bus, not even including the rest of the roadies. Maybe he noticed Echo staring at him, too. That better not be the reason. Lucas was 16, and Echo was only 13. That and if something went wrong soon, they would be stuck on a bus together. Also, Lucas has had a lot of girlfriends, according to Josh, that he just dropped into the dirt. I don't want Echo to be the next. He better not do anything to Echo...I'll kill him if he does. I don't care how over protective I sound. Echo's my daughter now. And I don't want her to hurt.

"Chris, you ok?" Ricky asked while nudging me.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I mumbled.


Lucas was cute as hell. He was also extremely nice. He even offered to take my bags for me. He was also really tall. I was guessing about 6'0. But what did I know?

"So right here's your bunk." He said as he gestured toward a bunk with my name on the wooden board above it. I looked around it to see who was around me. I saw that Oli Sykes was above me, Ricky was in the bunk in front of mine, and Chris had the one above his.

"Thanks for showing me." I said.

"No problem." He said as he looked into my eyes with his beautiful green ones.

I just nodded, and started walking away, when I heard him mumble something behind me.

"What?" I said while turning around.

"Have you ever been on a tour bus before?" He asked.

"No. Never." I answered.

"Do you uh...want me to show you around a bit? Before we get going?"

"Yeah, sure. That would be nice, I guess."

He showed me where the kitchen area was, the bathroom, the shower, the hallway where the bunks are, and the lounge at the end of it. The bus was big, but what did you expect when there was over 11 people living on it for 2 months?

"Thanks for showing me around." I said.

"You're welcome. why are you here? I'm not trying to be rude or anything...but Motionless usually doesn't bring someone so young on tour with them." He said.

"Oh. Well Ricky and Chris adopted me last week. They were planning on staying home for a little while to get to know me, but you know...the label called and forced them to go on tour. And they JUST adopted they still wanted to see me a little bit. That's why I'm here."

"Oh. What's your name?"


"That's a pretty name...I'm Lucas."

"LUCAS! DAD SAID YOU NEED TO COME HELP US GET EVERYTHING ONTO THE BUS!" Said a girl behind me. I turned around to see a short, skinny girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes. I didn't know if they were related or anything, but they looked absolutely nothing alike since Lucas was tall with black hair and deep green eyes. They also had completely different facial structures.

"Okay, Maddie, I'm coming. Fucking Christ, you don't need to scream it so loud." He said.

Just then, Chris walked in.

"Echo, you want to go talk to your favorite band anytime soon? They're all just sitting out there." He said.

"Yeah!" I said.


Echo ran out into the living area and sat next to Ricky. I really hope nothing happened between her and Lucas. Things were going good so far, let's just hope that it stays that way.

Adopted by Chris Motionless and Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now