Part 33: Touring Again

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A/N: Thanks to the people who've added the story to their reading list. I appreciate it!

December 14th


Everyone was packing their bags for the second tour of the year. This was Ashton's first tour, so he was really exited. Echo, not so much. She seemed a little...sad.

"Okay, Chris. You ready to go? The bus is waiting." Balz said.

"Yeah. We can go now. Just let me make sure that the kids and Roadkill are ready." I said.

I went to my bedroom first, where Ricky was.

"Hey, are you ready?" I asked him.

"Um, yeah. I'm finishing up right now." He said.

"That's the first." I said as I laughed slightly.

I walked upstairs to see if Echo and Ashton were ready. I walked into Ashton's room first.

"Hey Ash. Are you ready yet?" I asked.

"What?" He said as he looked up from his phone. "Uh, yeah. One second."

I left and walked to Echo's room.

"Hey Echo, are you ready?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I've been ready for a while now." She said.

"Ok. Cool. Ashton and Ricky should be ready by now."


"Okay. Well let me have your bags and I'll take them out to the bus." I said as I grabbed her bags.

She followed me out of the room and walked to Ashton's and said that we were leaving.

I walked into the living room past Josh and Ange, who was saying bye.

"That's a lot of bags." Ange said.

"Yeah, I know. She's got her clothes, shoes, laptop for an online schooling thing, and a bunch of other stuff."

Just as I finished saying that, Ricky walked into the room followed by Ashton and Echo with their bags.

"Here, let me help you with that." Ange said as he reached for Ricky's bags.

"Thanks, Ange." Ricky said.

We all had our bags packed in the back lounge of the tour bus by now. Josh had brought Bryan along on tour again, and Maddie and Jack stayed at home with their mom.

We were just getting seated onto the couch when Josh walked onto the bus.

"Alright, is everyone ready?" He asked.

We all nodded our heads.

"Okay, let's get this started."

Adopted by Chris Motionless and Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now