Part Nine: 4 AM

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~~One Week Later~~


Nothing has really happened between me and Lucas lately. See? I told you it wouldn't happen.

It was 9:02 PM, and Motionless and BMTH were still playing at their show. We were in Cincinnati, Ohio, and we had a day off tomorrow, so instead of waiting in the bus like I usually do, I went outside and sat next to Jack, who was sitting outside by the fire his dad built before he left with the bands.

Me and Jack were completely silent. We sat like that for almost half an hour.

9:31 PM

I had my earbuds in while I was listening to Sleeping With Sirens when Jack stood up and walked back in. A few minutes later, Lucas walked out.

"You look bored." He said.

"I am." I said.

He sat down in the chair next to mine.

"Have you ever seen American Horror Story?" He asked.


"Do you like it?"


"That's cool. Do you watch anime?"

"Yeah. Death Note...Tokyo Ghoul..."

"Wow, that's awesome. Those are my two favorite animes." He said happily.

"Cool!" I said.

"So what are you listening to?" He asked, just as my phone died.

I sighed. "I was listening to Sleeping With Sirens."

"I love that band. Which song?"

"James Dean and Audrey Hempburn." I said.

"Good song." He said.

Before I knew it, we were talking about past relationships for a good half an hour.

10:05 PM

Motionless In White and the other bands were already back on the bus, but Chris was a little bit behind him. He walked past us, giving us a weird look, then continuing on his way. He had Mike Kuza with him, so Kuza gave me a weird look, too, since he hadn't seen me yet. They were eventually in the bus, so me and Lucas were alone again.

"I freaking hate my teeth. I can't wait until I can get braces, so I won't look so retarded." I said.

"I've never dated a girl with braces before." He said. "I have a specific type."

"And what is that type?" I asked.

"Well...I like girls that wear dark clothes...with pale skin...and girls that are short. I find short girls to be...very attractive..."

This is where I flipped out. I felt my face get cold. I was wearing a black long sleeved shirt with black skinny jeans, my skin was nearly white, and I was only 5'1".

"Do you have a type?" He asked.

"No...not really." I said.

"Oh." He said in a disappointed tone.

"Why would you ever call yourself ugly?" He asked me.

"Um...I don't know...because I am." I said.

"No you're not. I really mean it when I say you're cute."

"Well I think I'm ugly." I said.

"That's your opinion." He said. "Hey Echo, I have a question."

"What is it?"

"On a scale from one to a hundred, what would you rate me?"

" a 95. What would you rate me?"

"That's really high." He said. "And what would I rate you?"

He sat in his chair in deep thought for about 10 minutes.

10:36 PM

"Out of a hundred, I would say you're a 90." He said.

"Ok." I said.

We were just talking about random things for a few hours. We didn't bring up anything about relationships, we just talked. We talked about bands, what we hate people do, our favorite things, a lot of things. Time flew by fast.

2:54 AM

We were just asking each other random questions about ourselves, when I mentioned the fact that I suck at asking serious questions, and that's why I kept asking dumb ones.

"Fine. Then I'll ask a serious question." He said. My heart was racing. What question would he possibly ask?

"Hypothetically, say I liked you...and I asked you out. What would you say?" He asked.

"I would say I thought you had a 2 year limit. We're like 3 and a half years apart." I said while remembering him telling me about his 2 year rule. If the person is over 2 years older or younger, he won't date them.

"I said it was a hypothetical question." He said.

"And hypothetically, I said what about the 2 year limit." I said.

"Say I forgot about that."

"Oh. Then I would probably say yes...I dunno..." Even though I did know. I would say yes a million times.

"Ok." He said.

We went back to talking about random things until it was really early in the morning and Chris came outside.

4:20 AM

"I think I'll probably go to bed here soon." He said. The fire had died out. The only thing in the sky was the bright full moon.

"Yeah. Me too." I said.

"" He started to ask.


" you..."

Just then, the door to the tour bus opened.

"Hey, you two. Lucas, your dad woke up and said he wants you in bed. Echo, you need to get in bed, too." Chris said. He just cut Lucas off. Right before he was about to ask me a question that sounded serious.

"Okay." I said while standing up. Lucas stood up, too, and walked over to the door and opened it for me.

"Thanks." I said as I walked inside the bus.

"No problem." He said while walking in after me.

4:27 AM

We were in front of the bunks now.

"Night, Cerulli." He said.

"Night." I said while climbing into my bunk.

And as I lied awake in my bunk, I wondered what that feeling was.

Was this love?

Adopted by Chris Motionless and Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now