Part Twelve: Dear Maria, Count Me In

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We've been on tour for about a month and a half. Echo's seemed depressed since the texts between her and Lucas. He really hurt her. That's why I talked to Lucas. That's why we have a plan. We just can't let anyone know about it.

We were in Chicago today. Lucas had nothing to do today, and Echo was bored out of her mind. She won't be for long, though. This was a big plan. Lucas just recently got his drivers license before we went on tour, so it was good that he could legally drive. He would need that skill for the half hour drive bound to come.

I walked down the hallway to the bunks and went to see Echo. I knocked on the wooden board by her bunk. She immediately opened the curtain.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Hey. I just wanted to tell you to get ready." I said.

"For what?"

"Just get ready." I said while smiling. "We're going to go play now, we'll be back in a few hours. Have fun."

She had a confused look on her face, but she did start getting ready. It was only 5 in the afternoon, and the plan wasn't happening until 6:45.

I walked down to the door of the back lounge and knocked on the door. This was where Lucas was getting ready.

He opened it after about a minute, and I handed him the slips of paper and the keys to the rental car.

"Good luck." I whispered.

"Thanks, Rick, I'll need it." He whispered back.

I walked off of the bus and started walking towards the venue with Chris. He had no idea what was going on, and he didn't need to know, so I had him wait outside and I said that I forgot something. I don't know how I'll cover for Echo while she's out, though.

I really hope everything goes as planned.

~~6:00 PM~~

*Lucas's POV*

I was so nervous. I still couldn't believe Ricky made this happen without Chris finding out. It was hard to put together, but it was worth it. I knew I hurt Echo, but I'm hoping this will ease the pain. She doesn't deserve to hurt like this.

I started walking to the living area, which was were Echo was.

"Echo?" I asked her.


"Will you come with me?"

"Um...where are we going?" She asked.

"For a drive." I said.

"Well...okay..." She said as she stood up and followed me out to the rental car.

~~6:18 PM~~

We pulled into the crowded parking lot. I'll admit, Echo looked kind of scared. But I would be, too.

"Okay, let's go." I said.

We got out and started walking towards the double doors that formed the entrance. I showed the guard the two slips of papers, and we walked through the doors.

I was holding Echo's hand, but only so she didn't get lost.

We walked inside a big room with a stage at the end of it. We got to be very close to the front, which made this experience so much better for her.

She stood there for a few minutes before she started asking questions.

"Lucas, where are we?" She asked.

"Chicago." I said.

She sighed. She stood in silence for about 10 minutes before the lights on the ceiling went out and the stage lights came on.

"HELLO CHICAGO!!!" Alex shouted into the mic. "WE ARE ALL TIME LOW!!!"

The crowd cheered very loud, and I swear I saw Echo's whole face lighten up.

"You brought me to an All Time Low concert?" She asked. I nodded my head, and she hugged me. I started getting all warm, and I wondered why. I didn't like her or anything, but at this point, I wasn't so sure anymore...


It was going on 8:30. The bands were going to get back very soon.

I looked over at Echo beside me. It was a few minute break between songs, so ATL weren't playing at that exact time.

Echo looked so beautiful, with the stage lights illuminating her skin. She was attractive, but she was too young for me...but...was she? It's only a 3 and a half year difference.

"We love you guys, but sadly, we only have time for one more song!" Alex shouted.

The sounds the crowd was making was a mix of cheers and boos.


Once the cheering stopped, Alex cleared his throat. And as soon as he started singing, you could slightly hear Echo singing along with him.

"I got your picture,

I'm comin' with you,

Dear Maria, count me in.

There's a story at the bottom of this bottle,

And I'm the pen."

After a few minutes, he was reaching the ending of the song.

"'Cause I got your picture,

I'm coming with you,

Dear Maria, count me in.

There's a story at the bottom of this bottle..."

Just as the song ended, I looked over at Echo, and she looked over at me. I realized that this was my chance. She looked so beautiful, and she was having a good time. I didn't know if I would make it better or worse, but I couldn't control myself.

I picked her up....

I looked her in her blue grey eyes as she looked into my deep green ones...

and I kissed her.

Adopted by Chris Motionless and Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now