Part 49: Catching Up

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I was cleaning up the living room when I heard a knock on the door. When I opened it, Copelynn was standing on the porch.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi." She said.

"Come on in.." I said as I stepped out of the doorway and held the door open a little wider.

She walked in kind of nervously. As she walked in, I noticed her nose piercing that she never had before.

"You got your nose pierced?" I asked.

"Um, took a lot of persuading for my mom, but she finally let me last month."

I nodded my head. "Cool."


"So, we can sit on the couch if you want.." I said.

"Yeah. Oh, just so you know, my mom's coming in. She wanted to meet your parents." She said.

"Okay, that's fine."

So a few seconds later, her mom came in, and she hugged me as soon as she saw me.

"Ashton!" She yelled.

"Lori.." I said back.

She stopped hugging me and stepped back to take a look at me.

"You look so much better now!" She said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you aren't as thin as you used to be, you don't have anymore bruises, you don't look as sad, and you look just better in general." She said while smiling.

"Oh. I guess so."

"So where's you're parents?" She asked. "I'm dying to meet them!"

"Um, they're in the kitchen, I think. I'll go get them." I said as I walked into the kitchen.

Dad and Ricky were in the kitchen making dinner, just as I thought. Ricky always made the food, and Dad would always be talking to him in the kitchen to keep him company and they would occasionally switch roles.

"Hey, guys? Um, Copelynn's mom, Lori wants to meet you guys." I said.

"Sounds great." Chris said as he walked into the living room. He kind of caught Lori by surprise.

"Hey." Chris said.

"Hi." Lori said back. "I'm Lori, Copelynn's mom."

"Cool. I'm Chris. You can come in the kitchen if you want, to meet Ricky. He's making dinner."

Lori nodded her head and followed Chris into the kitchen.

Me and Copelynn walked in after them, sitting down at the table.

Lori looked exactly the same. Same strawberry blonde hair, same bright green eyes, same seasonal clothes, same everything.

She stood in the kitchen next to Chris, and they started talking about a bunch of random stuff.

Copelynn turned to me.

"So.." She started to say. "How've you been?"

"I've been OK." I said.

"That's good."

"Yeah, I guess." I said as I looked toward the hallway, which Echo was walking down.

"Hey Ash." She said.

"Hey Echo." I said back.

"Ash?" Copelynn asked me.

"You started a revolution." I said.

"Oh." She said while laughing slightly.

"Who's that?" Echo asked me while gesturing to Copelynn.

Ricky heard Echo ask, and answered for her.

"Echo, that's Copelynn, Ashton's friend, and that's Lori, her mom." He said.

"What he said." I said.

So me and Copelynn caught up a little bit. Apparently she recently got more in contact with her dad's side of the family, since they haven't really talked since he died when she was 2.

They also moved a few streets over, since Lori was getting depressed living in that house.

Lori had a new boyfriend, who Copelynn didn't like, and she was thankful that he didn't come. He had like 6 other kids, that he has with 3 girls. Which is so dumb. Just fucking pick a person and settle down already.

Now, moving on to the happier stuff, she's made some new friends, she got a nose piercing (lucky), she's got this guy who likes her, even though she says she likes someone else, she got to see Bring Me The Horizon last month, and a bunch of other stuff.

Lori, Ricky, and Chris got along really well. Lori wasn't one of those arrogant, close minded people though, and she never was. That's what I liked best about her. She didn't care what you looked like, how you dressed, what music you listen to, she just pretty much...accepted you. Almost always.

So Copelynn and Lori ended up eating dinner with us, and they even watched a movie and a few shows. They stayed until like 10 at night. And then Lori's boyfriend called, and asked her to come home. So she decided it was getting late, and her and Copelynn left.

Seeing Copelynn honestly made me feel that same way again. The same way I had always felt about her, that I was too afraid to tell.

But I had to push those feelings aside. After all, Ady was coming over tomorrow, and I couldn't have Copelynn on my mind...

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