Part Three: The Interview

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Echo was a shy girl. At least it seemed that way. She wasn't talking much. Neither was Ricky. He must be nervous to adopt a kid.

"So...Echo, how old are you?" I asked to start off the interview.

"I'm 13." She responded. She was a little bit older than I expected, but I'm just thankful she wasn't bitchy.

"What bands do you listen to?" Ricky asked.

"Bring Me The Horizon, Of Mice & Men, I Prevail, Motionless In White, stuff like that..." She said.

"Oh you listen to Motionless?" I asked.

"Yeah. I have for a while now. You guys just kind of give me good vibes and hope that everything will get better. You didn't save my life or anything, but you reminded me that I have the strength to save my own." She said as she looked at me with gleaming, blue-grey eyes.

I chuckled. "It's good that you're not a crazed obsessed fan. You seem pretty cool."

She just nodded her head and Ricky looked up at her.

"Does it ever bother you that we'" Ricky asked her.

"What? No. Why would it bother me? You guys are cute together." Echo said while smiling. She had a nice smile.

"Would it ever bother you that we would be touring for a few months every year?" Ricky asked. Fuck, I hadn't thought about that.

"No." She answered. "As long as you had someone trustworthy to watch me."

"We might not have to do that." Ricky said. "Chris, if we adopted her, couldn't we be able to bring her with us? We're only off the bus for a few hours."

He did have a point. And if we were gone too long, I don't think Devin's girlfriend would care to watch her.

"Yeah. It could work." I said.

Just then, Ms. Hills knocked on the door before she opened it.

"Time's up." She said. "Are you ready to make your decision?"

"I think we are." Ricky said. "Chris?"

"Yeah I think we're ready to decide." I said while giving Ricky a look of approval. I could tell Ricky wanted to adopt her, and I did too. I felt like it was right to do so.

"Alright. Echo...we're going to adopt you!" Ricky said.

"Really?" She said asked out of excitement.

"Yep." I said. "And we're doing it fully. Right now. Ms. Hills told me about the 18 foster homes, and I can assure you that this will NOT be the 19th."

Echo AND Ricky smiled really really big, and it made me happy to see them both happy.

Me and Ricky signed the papers, and Echo still had that same big smile on her face. This was my family now, and I'm not letting them go.

A/N: I'm actually really exited to get this story going. If you're reading this then I really hope you enjoy it!

Adopted by Chris Motionless and Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now