Part 46: The Dance

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A/N: So I've officially decided to end this story at Part 60. I haven't decided yet if I'll make a sequel though, but comment if you want one!


So we were at the dance. I had no idea what Adyson and Ashton were doing, but they were somewhere in the gym. I heard that Adyson made him go and talk to her friends with her. She's not even talking to him, though. She's completely ignoring him, and it's making me mad. Don't get a date to the school dance and not even freaking talk to him! I told him not to ask her. It was a big mistake. 

"Hey guys!" Alex said as he and Kelsie walked up to me and Ross. Apparently they came here together. 

"Hey." I said. 

"Where's Alex?" Kelsie asked. 

"I don't know. He went with Adyson." I said. 

"Oh? They came here together? Are they dating or something?" Alex asked me. 

"I don't think so. I think they're just each other's dates for tonight. Even though Ashton's not even being treated like it." 

"What do you mean?" 

I sighed. "She dragged him over with her friends and she's not even talking to him." 

Just as I finished saying that, I saw Ashton making his way over to the punch bowl. 

"Ashton? Where were you?" I asked him. 

"Just off with Ady." He said as he shrugged. 

Ady? What the heck? She's not even talking to him, why would he call her Ady? 

"Why don't you come talk to us a little bit?" Alex asked. "You have to talk with her friends, she has to talk to yours." 

"I don't know..." Ashton said. "I want her to have a good time." 

"What's that supposed to mean? She will  have a good time! We're probably way funner that her bitchy friends! Who don't even talk to anyone, by the way! They just stay in their bitch circle and act like their above everyone! Does that sound like a fun group to hang out with? You're supposed to be having a good time, too." Kelsie said to him. 

Ashton shook his head. 

"I'll talk to you guys later." He said as he got a couple bags of chips and walked away. 

Well, he never did. We eventually stopped talking about it though, since we had to leave in an hour. If he wanted to waste his time, he could. Fine by me. I did warn him that Adyson was the wrong person to bring. 


So, yeah. I was sitting at a table by myself. Adyson said she was going to the bathroom and would be right back. Well, it's been half an hour. So I just sat there. I didn't see the point in sticking around Ross, Alex, Echo, or Kelsie. Then I would have to explain the sight of Adyson making out with her ex. 

Not something I was up for talking about. 

I didn't want to stay at this dance. I should just call Dad or Ricky and ask them to come get me. 

I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through my contacts when I heard that annoying voice that everyone hated. 

"Hi, Ash." Rowan said. 

"What do you want?" I asked, still looking down at my phone. 

"Oh nothing much. Can I sit down?" 


She sighed, and sat down anyway. God, I hated her so much. 

"Where's Ady?" She asked me. 

"None of your business." 

"God, Ashton. You were a lot nicer before Echo was around. She's had quite the impact on you." 

"Same for you." 

She scoffed. "At least I tried to resolve the issue."

I stared at her in disbelief and rage. 

"Hey! That's my fucking sister! And you tried to get her to kill herself!" I nearly screamed. 

"She would've been better off dead." She mumbled. 


Everyone heard me. Everyone was staring at me. 

I was done here. I ran outside and called Dad. 

(C: Chris     A: Ashton) 

C: Hello? 

A: Hey, Dad. 

C:  Hi, Ash. I thought you were at the dance with Adyson? 

A: Well, not anymore. 

C: So, what happened?

A: I'll tell you later. Can you come pick me up?

C: If I'm picking you up I'm picking your sister up too. Ricky's passed out and I'm not making 4 trips to the school and back. 

A: Okay, I'm sure she won't care. 

C: Okay, I'll be there in 10 minutes. 

A: Okay. 

So I ran inside and got Echo, who was a little bit mad at first. She got over it in a few minutes, though. 

So me and Ross and Echo were all waiting outside for Dad's car. 

"Hey Ashton?" Echo asked me. 


"What happened to Adyson?" 

I just shook my head as a response. 

We were silent until we finally saw Dad's headlights. He pulled up in the parking lot, and we all got into the car. 

I was so ready for this night to be over. 

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