Part Sixteen: The Funeral

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It was August 6th. Lucas has been dead for 3 days now. Today was his funeral. It all happened so quick. It's like Josh can't wait to get his kid buried six feet under.

I was dressed in black skinny jeans with a black hoodie on despite it being August. In my defense, it was a little bit chilly out. I had on a pair of grey converse and my hair was straightened and hung in my face a little bit, covering a little of my eyeliner rimmed eye. Ricky and Chris were wearing what they usually wear. They must've really meant it when they said that they were prepared for a funeral.


At the funeral, the room wasn't very crowded. Josh mustn't have invited too many people.

Josh asked me to sing at the funeral. The time eventually came when I had to get up and sing Therapy in front of everyone.

Balz was the one playing the piano while I sang. As soon as we got up on the platform next to the casket, tears welled up in my eyes. He was my first love, my first kiss, and he was gone in a matter of weeks.

Balz played a few keys on the piano for the intro, and I started to sing.

"My ship went down in a sea of sound,

When I woke up alone, I had everything.

A handful of moments I wish I could change,

And a tongue like a nightmare that cut like a blade.

In a city of fools, I was careful and cool, but they tore me apart

like a hurricane.

A handful of moments I wish I could change,

but I was carried away...

Give me therapy, I'm a walking travesty,

But I'm smiling at everything.

Therapy, you were never a friend to me,

You can keep all your misery..."

The song finished after a few minutes, and I quickly walked back to my seat by Chris.

He hugged me as tight as he could, and I fought back tears for the millionth time. Lucas was gone. My first love. Maybe my last.



We were in the cemetery by now, and they were getting ready to lower Lucas's casket into the deep hole in the ground. I still couldn't believe he was gone.

"This young man, Joshua Lucas Korel...he passed so young...may he be blessed with the view of Heaven's gates..." the Priest said as his casket was lowered into the ground.

I couldn't fight it anymore. I finally let the tears flow out of my eyes.

Chris hugged me again.

"It'll get better...I promise." He said.

I shut my eyes as tight as I could. Not only to stop the tears, but also because I didn't need to see Lucas slowly disappearing into the dirt.

Chris and Ricky guided me to the car.

I looked behind me. The gravedigger was piling dirt into the hole.

That was it.

Lucas was officially gone.

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