Part 25: The Note

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"Hey, Echo?" Ricky called from the kitchen. "Can you go get the mail, please?"

"Yeah." I said.

I ran outside and opened the mailbox when a weird feeling hit me. I didn't know why, but I just had a bad feeling. I had gotten the mail a million times. Why did this time feel different?

I walked back inside, sat on the couch next to Eryn, and started sorting through the mail.

Dad's phone bill.

Monthly house payment.

WiFi and Cable payment.

Ricky's phone bill.

There was a few more envelopes that said Ricky Cerulli and Christopher Cerulli. I was just about to pass off my bad feeling when I saw the last envelope.

To: Echo Cerulli

From: Josh Korel

My heart was racing as I walked to my room.

I slowly opened the envelope revealing a letter with scrawled handwriting on it.

Dear Echo,

I didn't want it to end like this. But I was better off dead, anyways. There was nothing left to live for. I'm a nobody in this world. So I figured that it would be best to just leave it.

And about that night when I took you to the All Time Low concert...and I kissed you. I wanted a relationship with you right then and there but I thought it would never work out. I've had that set suicide date for a year now. And I thought that we would never work out because first of all, I'm graduating next year, and I'll have to leave for college. And you wouldn't want a boyfriend you could hardly see. Even though since I had the suicide plan for a year, the college thing was still a big obstacle. Everyone thinks I'm too old for you. There's another reason. And do you know how depressed you would feel trying to snap me out of my suicidal thoughts? I'm contagious. Echo, I love you. I have since I first layed eyes on you. And I always will. Please, for my sake, find someone who loves you just as much as I did, and never let them go. I would rather have you move on.

Dear Maria Count Me In will always be our song. No matter what.

I'm sorry. I love you, Cerulli.


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