Part 55: Ashton's 15th Birthday

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"Happy birthday to yoooouuu!" Everyone said as they finished singing the song. 

"Now blow out your candles!" Echo yelled. 

I blew out my candles and everyone clapped. 

"Okay, are you ready to open gifts?" Ricky asked. 

"Sure." I said. 

"Okay, this one's from Vinny and Angelo!" He said as he handed it to me. 

I opened it to find a whole box of drum sticks and bandages. 

"Hey, if you're gonna be a drummer you have to be ready for broken drumsticks and bleeding hands. That's all I can say." Ange said. 

I laughed. "Thanks." 

"You're welcome." 

I got a bunch of different gifts from a bunch of different people, and then we ate the pizza and ate the cake that Eryn made, since she was in town. 

I was sitting in the living room with Echo, Ross, Ady, Kelsie, and Alex. Echo and Ross were watching Edward Scissorhands and the rest of us were just talking to each other. 

"You do?" Echo asked Ross.

"What?" I asked them. 

Echo had tears in her eyes that she was trying to fight back. 

"I have to move away somewhere in Junior Year.." Ross said. 

"So, 2 years, huh?" I asked him.

"Yep.." He said as he looked down. 

"Where are you moving to? And why do you have to move?" I asked.

"Well, we have to move because of my dad's stupid job. They said he's being moved to a different location for the company. And we're moving to Cincinnati.." He said. 

"Isn't that like, in Ohio?" 


"Oh. Well I'll miss you.." I said. 

"You too." 

Alex and Ross ended up spending the night, and Ady and Kelsie went home. 

We had a lot of fun, though. We brought Echo along with us, and we all pretty much just went around the town all day. We got home at about 8, we watched a few movies, Echo and Ross kissed for the first time, (which was adorable by the way) we all passed out in the living room, and we woke up to a really good breakfast that Eryn made. Then, we went over to Ross's house. 


The guys were playing video games in the living room, and I was sitting on the floor against the couch, talking to Lyrica. 

"So, how do you feel about moving away?" I asked her. 

"I hate the idea. I don't want to leave Scranton. And especially not for a busy city like Cincinnati, it's going to suck so bad." She said. 

"Yeah, it'll suck. For everyone else here, too. I'll miss you and Ross. Me and Ashton both." 


Ross's mom suddenly walked in with a bunch of cupcakes. 

"Happy late birthday, Ashton!" She said as she put them on the table. "How old are you again?" 

"I'm 15." Ashton said. 

She sighed. "15. I remember when you were a little baby. Can't believe it's been 15 years." 

"Yeah, time goes by fast." He said. 

"It does.." 

A/N: Yes I know this part sucks XD   

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