Part 59: Graduation

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Me, Ricky, Eryn, and my family were all sitting near the front row of seats in the High School auditorium. Yep, you guessed it, Echo and Ashton were graduating tonight. 

Ricky kept squirming in his seat. 

"You ok there?" I asked him. 

"What? Yeah, I'm fine. Just nervous." I said. 

I nodded my head. "Me too." 

We waited about 10 more minutes before I finally saw the principal go on stage. 

"Thank you all for being here today." He said. 

He gave a long long speech about how this will be the start of the rest of their lives and a bunch of other graduation stuff before he finally decided to bring out the diplomas

He signaled to someone at the side of the stage and the assistant principal came onto the stage with a cart with a few stacks of diplomas on it. 

"Now, fist we'll have the valedictorians come and give their speeches, and then we'll pass out the diplomas." He said. 

The valedictorians were someone I didn't know and Copelynn. I was actually kind of glad that Copelynn got to be one instead of Adyson. Ashton said that Adyson had a chance of being one.

So the guy gave his speech, and Copelynn gave hers, which actually made Ricky tear up a little, and it was kind of funny how he kept blinking his eyes and making weird faces. 

The principal took the mic from Copelynn when she was done. 

"Everyone that was Alan Hale and Copelynn Graves. Now, we're going to pass out diplomas." 

He called out the names in order, and we heard Echo and Ashton's pretty quick since their last name began with a C. 

"Ashton Cerulli." 

Everyone clapped, like they did for everyone else, and my mom stood up behind me and screamed "Go Ashton!" really really loud, and she did the same with Echo. It was honestly really funny seeing the look on their faces. 

He eventually got done with everyone's name, and everyone left their seats, and we all went to find Echo and Ashton. 

We found them talking to Alex and Kelsie. I walked up to them and said that we were all going out to eat, and they said bye and we all got in our cars. 

We ended up going to some diner in town, and we all just sat down and talked and ate. 

"So Echo," Ricky started to ask, "are you still planning on moving out?" 

"Yeah." She said. "I'm going to start next week. I'm staying at Kelsie and Alex's apartment." 

"Oh, Cool." 

So yeah. My kids were graduated from high school, one was moving out, and I don't think I'm ready for this.   

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