Part 34: It's Been a While Since I've Seen Him

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It's been a while since I've seen him. But tonight was the last time. 

I walked around the woods that weren't so familiar this time. They were different. There was no bright fall colors anymore. There were bare grey tree branches. There was no crisp Autumn air. There was frost and snow. The bench was icy. The day was cold. 

I called out his name. 


No answer. 



I sat on the bench and buried my face in my hands. I was lonely. And the one person I wanted to see, that has been missing from my thoughts, was gone. 

I couldn't cry. I didn't know how to. What was there to cry about? Almost nothing. I just sat there silently. 

I didn't know what I was expecting, but I wasn't expecting to feel a warm hand on my shoulder. 

"Hey." The familiar voice said. 

It was Lucas. 

My head shot up. 

"Lucas." I said. 

"It's been a while.." He said. 

"I didn't mean for it to get this way..." I said. 

"I know you didn't."

We kind of just sat there for a while before he spoke up. 



"I have something to tell you."  He said.

"Okay..what is it?" I asked nervously. 

"Well...this...this will be the last time you see me.." 


"I'm sorry.." He said. 

I looked down. 

"Look, I've got to go. But before I do, I'm going to tell you a few things.." 

"Okay." I said. 

"Well, to start off, you and Ross are really cute. And you're going to stay together, I know it. Also, good luck on tour. And by the way, you'll do great things in the future, and I'm sorry I won't be by your side to go through them with you. And lastly, I love you. And I'll miss you." 

I just kind of sat there in silence. I'll really miss him too. 

He kissed me for the very last time. 

And he disappeared. 

Adopted by Chris Motionless and Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now