Part 31: Halloween

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The most wonderful time of the year.


Our pumpkins were carved and on the doorstep outside. They looked awesome. This family was so talented, and then there was me.

"Hey Dad, can me and Echo walk around with Ross and Alex?" Ashton asked me.

"Sure, just make sure you guys don't do anything stupid." I said. It's not that I didn't trust them, it's just that they're teenagers, and you never know what can happen with them.

"Okay, we won't." Echo said. As they walked out the door.

"Be back by 10! It's Monday!" I yelled.

Ricky walked into the room.

"Did the kids leave?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said. "That means we have the whole house to ourselves for hours."

"Oh? Do we?" He said with a smirk on his face.


We were walking around the neighborhood. Trick or Treaters weren't coming out for half an hour, which meant that we had half an hour to ourselves. We decided that we would head over to Alex's house.

When we got there, Alex turned on a movie and we all sat on the couch and watched it.

~45 Minutes Later~

"Hey, uh, Echo? Can I ask you something?" Ross said.

"Um. Sure, I guess." I said.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to." He whispered. "God, I feel so stupid for asking you this so soon.."


"Like I said, don't answer if you feel uncomfortable...but, uh, will you..uh, do you want Or something?" He asked. His face was blood red.

"Um..I don't know. Let me think on it. I'll tell you tomorrow." I said. He nodded his head.

"So, what do you guys want to do when the movie's over?" Ashton asked everyone.

"I've got to go home when it's over." Ross said.

"What? Why?" Ashton asked him.

"My parents had no idea I left. They're at some Halloween party and left me alone to watch Lyrica." He said.

"Ross!" Alex said. "Where is she?!"

"Dude, stop overreacting. I think a 12 year old girl could handle Trick or Treating with her friend." Ross said.

Just then, Ross's phone started ringing.

"See, that's her now." He said as he answered it.

"Hello?" He said.

There was a pause.

"Alex's house. Where are you?" He asked her.

Another pause.

"Okay, see you soon."

He hung up.

"She's on this street. Her and Allie will be here soon and I'll walk them both home." Ross said.

"Who's Lyrica and Allie?" I asked him.

"Lyrica's my sister and Allie's her friend." He said.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Alex went up and opened it.

"Hey, Lyric." He said.

"Hi, Alex." She said.

Lyrica was a short girl, about my height, with long brown hair the same color as Ross's, and the same color eyes. They looked a lot alike in many ways. Allie was a girl a little bit taller, with blonde hair and brown eyes. She had a long face and a skinny figure while Lyrica had a short face and an average figure. Lyrica was dressed up as a vampire, and Allie was Super Girl.

"Who's that?" Lyrica asked while pointing to me.

"That's Echo, Ashton's sister." Alex said.

"Cool. You're pretty." She said.

"Thanks." I said.

After Ross, Lyrica, and Allie left, Ashton stood up.

"We better get going, too." Ashton said. "It's getting late."

"Okay." I said.

"Bye, guys." Alex said.

"See ya." I said.

A/N: Sorry it was short and not really related to Halloween. I really didn't know what to write...

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