Part 57: Layne And Jaylee's Birthday

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"Hurry up, Echo!" I yelled towards the bathroom. 

We were all heading over to Balz and Ryan Ashley's house because it was Layne and Jaylee's 3rd birthday party. 

So yeah, they had their kid a while ago, well, kids, since they had twins. 

Echo finally came out of the bathroom. 

"Are you ready yet?" I asked. 


"Then go out to the car. Ricky and Ashton are waiting on us." 

Echo nodded her head and walked out to the car, and I followed in after her. 

On the way there, everyone was completely silent. Until Ricky started talking just to break it. 

"So...are you guys excited to graduate?" He asked. 

"Yeah." Echo said. 

Fuck. I forgot. Echo and Ashton were graduating high school next month. 

Echo said she was moving out, but Ashton said he hasn't decided. The whole reason Echo wanted to move out is so she could try to make the band a little more popular, and she said she needs to live on her own to do that, I don't really know. All I know is that she wants to move out. 

"We're here." I said after about 5 minutes. 

We all got out and went inside the house. 

As soon as I walked in, Jaylee screamed "Uncle Chris" and ran toward me. 

"Happy Birthday, Jay." I said as I picked her up. "How old are you today? 16?" 

She laughed. "No, I'm only 3!" 

"Oh." I said as I put her down. "That makes more sense."

"Guess what Uncle Chris!" She said excitedly. 


"There's a my preschool...and he says he wants me to be his girlfriend!" 

"Oh no." I said. "What did your daddy say?" 

"He said no boyfriends until I'm 30." 

Ricky laughed. 

"Where is your daddy?" Ricky asked. 

Jaylee pointed to the kitchen, and Ricky, Ashton and I all went there, while Echo stayed behind to play with Jaylee. 

I walked into the kitchen to find Josh, all of the guys, Kylie, and Ryan Ashley, who was holding Layne. 

"Happy birthday Layne." I said to him. 

He was silent for a minute before Ryan Ashley nudged him.

"Say thank you." She whispered. 

"Thank you." Layne whispered at me. 

Jaylee was really hyper all the time, as you can tell, while Layne was quiet and timid, as you can tell. 

They were identical twins, even though the people at the hospital said they were fraternal.

They both had black hair and Ryan Ashley's grey eyes. Layne was a little bigger than Jaylee, but other than that, they were completely identical to each other. Except for the personality part. 

Jaylee ran into the room and looked up at Ryan Ashley. 

"Mommy! Can we eat the cake yet? Can we?" She asked. 

"Um, sure, I guess." She replied. 

She set Layne down in one of the chairs around the table and got a knife to slice the cake with and some candles and a lighter. 

"Josh, come help me light these candles or I'll burn my nails off." She said to Balz. 

He came around the table and lit the candles for her, and Jaylee sat down in front of the cake next to Layne. 

Devin turned the lights off, and everyone sang happy birthday to them, they blew out the candles, and Ryan Ashley sliced the cake and gave everyone a piece. 

Jaylee and Layne opened all of their gifts, and they went in the backyard to play outside with their friends. 

Balz was cleaning up the wrapping paper. 

"How's the kids going for you?" I asked him. 

He stood up and looked at me. "Great. It's going great." He said. 

"Well they're 3, do I don't know. I've never had a 3 year old, I've had a 13 year old." I said. 

"Mhm and how's that going? Aren't Echo and Ashton like 18 now?" 


"Welp, your reign of terror is almost over, I've got 15 years left." He said as he laughed. 

"Good luck with that." 

Just then, Devin and Kylie walked into the kitchen. 

"Hey guys." I said. "How's the baby coming along?" 

"Fine, right now." Devin said. 

Yeah, Kylie and Devin had a kid, a boy who they named Jack, after Jack Skellington. 

But yeah, there's some updates. 

A/N: Oh my god this is almost over

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