Part 43: Christmas

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Everyone was awake and sitting in the living room eating cereal and watching The Nightmare Before Christmas. We couldn't open presents until everyone got here, so we just planned to watch Christmas movies all day.

As we were watching The Nightmare before Christmas, Elf, Christmas Vacation, and Edward Scissorhands, everyone ended up arriving. It was perfect timing though, because we had just finished decorating the tree and Kelly, Ryan Ashley, and Kylie all finished making the food.

"Okay, is everyone ready to open up presents?" Angelo asked.

We all nodded our heads and sat around the tree.

We all opened the presents, which took about an hour since there were so many people.

After we finished opening the presents, we all ate the food.

The food was really really good, too. The girls did a great job.

After I was done eating, I turned to my sister.

"So, how've you been?" I asked her.

"I've been pretty good." She said.

"How's your boyfriend?"

"He's a dick. As always." She said as she rolled her eyes.

"You need to go ahead and break up with him. All he's doing is holding you back from someone great." I said.

"I guess.."

We all watched a bunch of other Christmas movies before some people started leaving. The only one's who left were Kelly's parents and Angelo's mom, though.

We were all sitting around the T.V when there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I said.

I opened it to see Ross standing out in the snow.

"Oh, hey Ross." I said. "Echo, you're friend is here."

Echo looked over at me and got up.

"Hey, Ross." She said.

"Hi." He said.

"You can come in." I said. "You look cold."

"I am." He said. "Thanks."

"No problem."

Echo sat down against the couch and Ross sat down beside her.

"So, Ross, you don't have any family plans? I mean, it's Christmas." Echo asked him.

"I did, but my dad and I had a huge argument and he told me to leave." Ross said.


"And, I had a present for you." Ross said as he handed her a gift.

She opened it and thanked Ross.

"It's really pretty." She said. "Thanks."

"It's not anything special, but I didn't have very much money to spend. But you're welcome." He said.

Echo layed her head on his shoulder. Which in my opinion was a little bit strange...they've never really been that close before. It really made me wonder if there was something going on between them. I wasn't just going to sit there wondering, though.

"Um, guys?" I started to ask them.

They both looked at me and I slightly laughed.

"So..are you guys dating?" I asked.

"Um..yeah..." Echo said.

"Okay, cool I guess.." I said. I realized that I was acting a little bit different than I was with Lucas. I mean, it's not that I necessarily liked Ross more than Lucas, I guess that I just learned to be a little bit more accepting with who she likes, because I just felt a little bit guilty about trying to keep Echo and Lucas apart...especially after he...killed himself.

I just moved on from the subject. It's better not to stress over it.

Ricky lied his head in my lap.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I said back as I played with his hair.

"Hey Chris?" He started to ask me.


"Have you seen Ryan and Vinny?"

"Oh no..."

Just then, I remembered the news that they had given us a few weeks ago.

Ryan and Vinny were dating.


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