Part 28: The Birthday Party

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Ross changed his mind and said he didn't want to talk right now, so we ended up watching The Nightmare Before Christmas until the party started.

Ricky walked into my room and started telling me to get ready.

"The party is in half an hour." He said.

"Who's coming?" I asked.

"The guys and their girlfriends, Chris's parents, brother, and sister, Eryn, Alex and Ross, Josh, his wife, Maddie, Jack, and Bryan, and a few of Chris's and my close friends." He said.

"Okay. Cool." I said.

"So get ready."

"Okay, I will."

"Me and Alex have to go by his house and get your present. We'll be back in about 45 minutes." Ross said as he left.

I walked downstairs to see a table full of cupcakes, cookies, my birthday cake, and a few other things like that on a table. Eryn worked at a bakery, so she was used to making a lot of things like that. 

"This is a lot of stuff for a birthday party for a 14 year old." I said to her.

She laughed a little bit. "Well it's your birthday. And we're feeding a bunch of people. Plus I heard you really like this stuff." She said.

"I do. So is this all we're eating?" I asked.

She laughed again. "No. Chris is outside by the grill making hot dogs and hamburgers and all that stuff." 


Eryn looked over my shoulder at Ashton.

"Ash! Stop it! It's not time yet!" She said as Ashton stuffed a cupcake in his mouth.

"How much longer do we have?" He asked while chewing up his cupcake.

"About 20 minutes now. And chew with your mouth closed!" She said.

Just then, Chris walked in through the back door with a bowl full of food.

"Okay people, out of the way! Not trying to be rude but this is really hot and it's starting to rain!" He said.

"So you're done grilling? Okay then, I'll start putting the condiments and stuff for the burgers out I guess." Eryn said as she reached into the fridge.

~20 Minutes Later~

Everyone was on the couch watching TV when Balz walked in with Ryan Ashley. 

"Hey guys." He said.

"Hi." Chris said. 

"The rest of the guys aren't here yet?" Balz asked.

"No. They should be here soon, though." 

Almost on cue, Ryan and Vinny walked through the door.

"Nice date. You guys compliment each other." Chris said to them.

"Shut up." They both said at the same time.

"Why should he?" Ricky asked as he walked into the room. "You guys are adorable." 

"You guys need to start dating as soon as possible." Ashton said as he laughed. "Not like you'll find anyone as compatible as you are with each other." 

Vinny laughed and kissed Ryan's cheek as Devin and Kylie walked in.

"Um." Devin said awkwardly. "Did we miss something?"

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