Part 60: Moving Out

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A/N: This is the last part :( 


Dad helped me finish taping up the last box and helped me carry it down to the living room and out to Alex's dad's truck. This was it. I was moving out. 

Ashton said he was going to wait until he could afford his own place to move out. I couldn't blame him though. It would be kind of nice. 

I was about to get in the front seat next to Alex when I realized I forgot my phone. 

I ran into my old room to find my phone connected to the charger plugged into the wall. I quickly grabbed it, since Alex was waiting on me, and turned to leave the room. 

Before I started walking to the door, I noticed something on the top of my closet shelf. 

Curious what it was, I walked over and reached to the shelf and grabbed it. 

I pulled the object down and blew the dust off of it. 

It was the picture of me and Lucas. 

After 5 years, I still missed him. 

I walked out of my room, gave my parents a hug before I left, and walked out to the truck. 

I got in the front seat next to Alex, and he gave me a weird look when he saw what I was holding. And then he looked all sympathetic when he really looked at it. He knew about Lucas. 

We drove to Alex and Kelsie's apartment. 

Well, here's the start of the rest of my life...

Adopted by Chris Motionless and Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now