Part 54: The Grave

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Today marks a year that he left.

A year since I lost Lucas. A year since he killed himself.

A year?

365 days?

I've managed to last that long?


Ricky and Chris agreed to take me to Lucas's grave today. It was about 5:00 in the afternoon, and it was still bright outside, since it was August.

The cemetery he was buried in was small, so it was overall pretty easy to find his grave.

It was hard not to cry when I saw that name.

Joshua L. Korel

2/25/2000 - 8/3/2016

Beloved Son and Brother

I couldn't hold it back anymore. I just let the tears flow out of my eyes and down my face. I miss him. I've always missed him, and I still do. There was nothing in the world that could take this pain away. Not even...not even Ross.

I mean, I loved Ross, I really did, but I know that if Lucas hadn't died, Ross never would have slipped my mind. I've always loved Lucas, I still do, and there's nothing that could stop me.

So there I was. On my knees on a grave, bawling my eyes out.

I felt Chris's hand on my shoulder. Then I felt him hug me.

He kissed my forehead. "It'll be okay.." He said.

"No it won't." I said with my face still buried in my hands. "He's gone, Dad. He's gone."

"I know he is, Echo...I know..."

"I miss him, Dad."

"I know you do. I miss him too. And you know what?"


"I regret everything I said about beating him up, and keeping him away from you...I...I thought it was just that stupid stuff that teenagers go through...I didn't know it was real, Echo. I...I just feel like if it weren't for me...this...this would never happen." He said with tears in his eyes.

"It's not your fault." I said.

We kind of just sat there for a while. Ricky eventually came and sat down with us.

I honestly still couldn't believe he was gone.

A year since he died.

And I still couldn't believe it.

I better get used to it.

Because I'm living like this for the rest of my life.

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