Part 58: Remembering The Past

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A/N: So this whole part is about some of their pasts..


I remembered everything from my past. 

Everything about my foster homes, varied in a bunch of different categories. The big ones, the abusive ones, the small ones, the poor ones, the rich ones, every single one of them. 

But, even though I had that life for 6 years in a row, that wasn't the only life I knew. 

I had only been with my biological parents for 7 years when it happened. 


"Wake up, Echo!" I heard my dad scream. I heard sirens outside. 

"Daddy? What's happening?" I asked tiredly, since he had just woken me up from a nap. 

Or at least, he called it a nap.

"Get up!" He yelled again. 

I stood up and I saw my mom and a police officer taking her away in handcuffs. 

"Mommy!" I yelled. 

I ran toward my mom and almost grabbed her pant leg when I was pushed back by another officer. 

The officer picked me up and took me out to the driveway. 

"Put her down you bastard!" I heard my dad yell. "And bring back my wife!" 

Another officer handcuffed my dad and took him out to the police car, with the sirens still going off, the lights still flashing in the darkness of the night. 

The last I saw of my parents were their heads being ducked inside a police car, and the back of their heads as it drove away. 

Another officer came back with a bag full of my clothes and put it in my lap as I cried. 

An officer knelt down next to me. 

"What's happening?" I asked him. 

"Your mommy and daddy did some bad things to you. But they won't anymore, ok? You're going to go with a different family, for now." He said. 

He got in the front seat and drove me to what would be the first of many, many foster homes. 

End of flashback

The whole reason the police found out about it is because I had gone to school with bruises on my face that day at school. My mom tried to cover it up with her makeup, but it came off during recess. My teacher noticed, and called the police when she went home. 

That whole thing began the 6 years of foster homes that I endured. I remember this one home, where the mom had a nervous breakdown and tried to kill the 5 kids that lived there, including me. If I remember correctly, 2 kids, a 10 year old boy and an 8 year old girl got killed, a 6 year old boy got stabbed, and me and this one little girl escaped and ran away and told the police. I'm pretty sure the mom killed herself in the mental asylum they took her to. 

And I remembered my most recent one, they were really nice. They were a younger couple, and they were planning to adopt me, but they didn't have the money to. 

And then Chris and Ricky adopted me, and it was honestly the best day of my life. 


I didn't even know why, but I was just laying in bed, remembering my entire life leading up to now. 

The day my mom started doing drugs, 

The day my dad started drinking,

the day my mom ended up in the hospital,

and the day my dad killed my mom, although no one found out about it. 

Everyone thought someone broke into the house when everyone was sleeping, but I knew. I was there when he killed her. I knew. 

The day Chris and Ricky adopted me, the day I got beaten on the steps of the school, I had confronted him that morning. I said that he killed Mom. I saw it with my own eyes. I ran out the door after that to go to school. 

I heard he's been in prison since that day. He got convicted for child abuse, and drunk driving to go along with it. 

My wrist eventually healed from when he broke it, and I was glad it was healed. 

Also, back to the mom thing, if I had to admit it, I still missed her, a lot. Yeah, she was a drug addict, but she didn't abuse me. She didn't look healthy, but I loved my mom. And she loved me. I still walk to her grave when I say I'm out with Alex. Sometimes Alex is there with me, but he's usually not. 

I remember how happy I was the day that Chris and Ricky adopted me. And I was still happy. They were great. Great parents, a great couple, great friends to the guys, great musicians. And I'm happy about this life I'm in now. I mean, it could be way way better, but it's so great now, and if I had a choice on who to be with, who to be my parents, that are still alive, I wouldn't have it any other way. 

And about Copelynn, we were best friends, and I did like her for a while, and then we stopped talking, ad I just decided to move on. 

Adyson wasn't the best choice, but she was my girlfriend, and I had to live with that... 

But Ricky and Chris have made my life a whole lot better than it was. They've helped with my depression a lot since they've been my parents. And honestly, for once, I actually felt like I was in a family, and not just a punching bag. 


I just realized, my life has changed a lot. 

I used to be a "hardcore" guy, and now I'm married and sentimental about my 2 kids graduating high school tomorrow. 

I looked next to me at Ricky, who was sound asleep. It's hard to believe that not that long ago, I asked him to join the band. And we were living together for a while. Never in my life would I have expected to be married to him and have 2 kids. Never. 

It's kind of funny. I couldn't stand teenagers before all of this. There's still some I can't stand, but I've kind of lightened up a bit on them. 

But yeah, Ricky, Echo, and Ashton has made a huge impact on my life, and I actually like it better this way. I love them all with every drop of blood in my body. 

This...this was my family. 

This was my life. 

And I couldn't love it more. 

Adopted by Chris Motionless and Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now