Part 53: Devin and Kylie

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This picture is also cute ^^ 

3 days later


So we all went out to dinner to celebrate Ryan Ashley and Balz. We ended up going to some Chinese place in town, since that's what she wanted. 

So there we all were, sitting in a Chinese restaurant, scaring children, waiting on Ryan Ashley and Balz to get there. 

Devin looked really nervous. I wasn't even going to ask why, because I already knew. He told me the plan before we came here. 

I was just scrolling through Instagram on my phone when I heard Ryan and Vinny walk in. 

"Did you get the cake?" I asked him.

"Yep!" Vinny said.

"Did you just leave it blank, like I said, or did you be Ryan and Vinny?" I asked while laughing slightly. 

"It was Ryan's idea!" Vinny said while pointing at Ryan. 

"Oh, lord..." Ricky mumbled. 

I sighed. "Well, let's see it." 

Ryan opened the box that the cake was in and showed us the red lettering on the white cake. 

"Ryan..." I said. "...why?"

Ricky laughed really loud. I honestly couldn't believe what Ryan had put on the cake. I mean, I'm sure it wasn't that big of a deal, but seriously..

It said Congratulations On Your Reproduction...

"Hey, could you think of anything better?" Ryan asked. 

"You could have just asked them to put 'Congratulations' on it." I said. 

"Congratulations on what?" 

"Never mind..."

I heard the door open, and Ryan Ashley and Balz walked in. 

Vinny immediately took the cake and showed them. Ryan Ashley laughed, and Balz just shook his head and slightly smiled. 

Everyone sat down, and Devin honestly looked twice as nervous as he did before. He's about to do it. I just know it. 

I smiled at him and mouthed "good luck" to him. All he did was nod his head, and he looked back at Kylie. This was the first time I've seen him this nervous. 

So we were there for an hour before Ryan got up and said that he had to leave. Suddenly, Devin panicked. 

"Calm down." I said to him. 

"I...I can't. I have to do this now..." He said. "Before everyone leaves.." 


Devin stood up. 

"Um, everyone, before you guys leave..I uh, wanted to do something." He said as he scooted Kylie's chair from under the table and put it towards the middle of the floor with her still sitting in it. 

He got down on one knee, and I heard him mumble under his breath. 

"Oh god this is really happening..." He said. 

I looked over at Ricky. You could tell he was holding back his high pitched squeal he always does during these things. 

So Devin was in front of Kylie's chair, and he pulled out that familiar little box he's shown me a million times before, along with the contents inside it. 

He opened up the box and said the famous words I've heard him practice in his mirror when Kylie went to the store. 

"Kylie...will you marry me?" He asked. 

Kylie smiled really big and nodded her head.

Devin got up and kissed her. 

"Awww!" Ricky said. 

This whole week has honestly been the cutest thing ever I swear to god.   

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