Part 52: Balz & Ryan Ashley

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also, this picture is so cute I can't even ^-^ 

1 Month After The Wedding


Me, Chris, Echo, and Ashton were all sitting in the living room watching Beetlejuice. Ashton wasn't very happy, as usual, but Chris insisted that we all watch a movie together as a family. We ordered a pizza, too, so that made him just a little bit happier as he was eating it. 

We were about halfway through the movie when there was a knock on the door. 

"I'll get it." I said as I got up. 

When I opened the door, Ryan Ashley and Balz were standing on the porch. 

"Hey guys. Come on in, it's raining." I said. 

They came in, and Ryan Ashley just couldn't stop smiling. And Balz, well, it was kind of hard not to laugh at the face he was making. 

"What's with the face, Balz?" Chris asked. 

Balz sighed. "I'll let her tell you." 

Ryan laughed as she playfully hit Balz on the arm. 

"Stop asking so disappointed, Josh. You were happy when I told you." She said. 

"I still am, but I thought about it too much, and now I'm worried as fuck." He said. 

"Someone just say it!" I said. 

Balz smiled and pointed at Ryan Ashley. 

"She's pregnant." He said. 

"Oh my god!" I said as I practically squealed. "That's so fucking great!" 

Chris was laughing on the couch. 

"Balz is gonna be a daddy!" He said. 

"Shut up.." Balz said as he mumbled. 

"What are you naming it?" Echo asked while smiling.

"They're naming it Cerulla if it's a girl." Chris said. 

"Mhm. Okay." I said. "And what if it's a boy?" 

"Chris." He said. 

"Yeah, Cerulla Balz. Sounds good, Chris." Ryan said as she laughed.

"Hey," Balz said, "It's better than Bob Balz." 

I laughed and hugged Balz. 

"Congratulations." I said. 

Balz patted my shoulder awkwardly. 

"Thanks, Rick." He said. 

A/N: Yes I know it was short but I honestly didn't know what else to put. 


So, the sequel is coming up! Anyone have any ideas? Because I'm sure I'll be out by then. 

So, if you have any ideas for the sequel, message them to me! I'll give you credit for them if I use them!

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