Part Eight: Over-Protective

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"I am NOT over-protective!" I said to Ricky.

"Yes you are." He said. "If you weren't over-protective you wouldn't be flipping out like this."

"He called her cute, Rick!"

"You call me cute plenty of times!"

"But I don't run around dating people, then dropping them in the dirt the next day."

"Neither does Lucas! Chris, you need to lighten up. A LOT."

Just as Ricky finished saying that, Echo walked out of the hallway where the bunks were and yawned. I quickly ran over to her and picked her up.

"See, Rick? Look how small she is, and look how big he is!"

"What?" Echo asked out of confusion.

I put her down. "Nothing. Me and Mr. Roadkill over here were just talking about some things."

"Oh." She said. I don't blame Lucas for calling her cute, she's adorable as hell but she's just to young for him.

Just then, Maddie and Jack walked in.

"Have any of you seen Lucas or Bryan?" Maddie asked.

"They might be in the back lounge." Ricky said. "Can you get Lucas for me? I think me and him need to talk." He said while eyeing me.

"Fuck." I heard someone mumble from the back room. Lucas.

Bryan walked out first, then Lucas. Lucas rubbed his eyes, and Bryan walked outside to the rest stop bathrooms we were parked at.

As Bryan was walking out, Matt Kean and Oli Sykes walked in, and Balz walked into the kitchen area from the shower.

"Morning, guys." He said.

"Morning." We all responded.

"How did you sleep for your first night on a tour bus?" He asked Echo.

"Fine." Echo said.

"I'm surprised you could sleep with Lucas flowing through your head." I mumbled, which made Ricky elbow my side. Echo and Lucas somehow didn't hear me, but Balz did. He just stared at me as Lucas and Echo sat down on the couch, far away enough to where they couldn't hear us whispering.

"Chris," Balz said, "You're over-reacting waayy to much. She's an attractive girl, guys will say things to her that you won't always approve of. It's part of having a daughter. If you can't deal with it now, then how will you deal with it when she's 14, and going on dates, 15, when she's going to their house, 16 when she's old enough to loose her "card". 17? 18? So on? Talk to Lucas if you want, but they're not even dating."

"Yet." I said.

"All he did was call her cute, Chris." Balz said.

"How did you know about that?" I asked.

"The whole bus heard."

"Oh." I said while looking over at Echo and Lucas.

Maybe I should lighten up...

A/N: I'll have at least 3 story parts done by Friday, and I'll be putting out at least 3 on Friday. If you're actually reading this and you enjoy it, thanks for actually reading :)

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