Part 24: Eryn

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My sister, Eryn, was on her way over here from Seattle. Chris left to pick her up from the airport while I stayed at home with the kids and the guys. He should be back any minute.

"So, we're meeting our aunt?" Echo asked.

"Yep." I said.

"What's her name?" Ashton asked.

"Eryn." I said.

"How old is she?" Ashton asked me. 

"She's 23." I said as I looked out the window and saw our car pull up in the driveway.

"She's here!" I said as I ran out the door. I haven't seen my sister in 2 years.

I ran outside followed by Echo and Ashton.

"Ricky!" Eryn said as she climbed out of the car and hugged me. My sister had a bubbly personality and she was very nice and open to a lot of things. She also loved hugs.

"I missed you." She said.

"I missed you too, Eryn." I said back.

She let go of me and looked at the kids.

"Is this them?" She asked me.

"Uh, yeah. Eryn, this is Echo and Ashton." Chris said as he pointed to them.

"Aww. Nice to meet you guys. I'm Eryn." She said to them.

"Nice to meet you too." Echo said.

"So I guess we can go inside so I can talk to everyone a little bit?" She suggested as she looked around.

We all nodded our heads, and I showed her to the door.

She walked in, and we all followed her. She sat her stuff by the couch like she always does when she comes to visit, and she sat down.

"So you two are the kids?" She asked Echo and Ashton as they also sat down.

"Yeah." Echo said.

"How old are you guys?" She asked.

"I'm 13, almost 14." Echo said.

"I'm 14." Ashton said.

"Wow. You guys are old." Eryn said. 

"How long are you in town, Eryn?" I asked her.

"Only for 3 days." She said. "I have a flight back to Seattle Sunday night."

"Aw, man. Hate for you to go back so early." Chris said.

"You guys are lucky I could even come down that long. I had to beg my boss to let me take off work." She said.

"That sucks." I said.

"Yeah, it does. So I'm sleeping out here this weekend? The usual?" 

"I guess." I said. 

A/N: Sorry I couldn't write all weekend. I was in Kentucky and was with family the entire time and didn't get back until late on Monday. But expect lots of updates soon!

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