Part 44: Ange's Bathroom

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WARNING: very very slight smut ahead..


"Ryan, get off of me. We can't do this here..." I said as I pushed him away. 

"Why not?" He whined. 

"Why not? Well, we're in Angelo's bathroom at a Christmas party about to do it." I said. 

"So? What's here to stop us?" He said with a smirk. 

"Everyone out there." 

"Angelo has a bathroom in his bedroom. They can just use that one."

I sighed. 

"You really want to do this in Angelo's bathroom?" I asked. 

Ryan nodded his head. 

"Someone's going to walk in on us.." I said while looking away. 

"We can lock the door." He said. 


Ryan got off of me and locked the door. 

"Okay, are you ready?" He asked. 

I nodded my head, and he climbed on top of me and started kissing my neck. 

I moaned like 3 times before he bit on my bottom lip. 

He bit my lip a little bit harder before he backed me against the wall. He put his hands on the wall on both sides of me before he started taking my shirt off.

Before I knew it, we were both in our boxers. Or at least Ryan was. Me? I had nothing on. At all. 

I was a little nervous. Probably because we were in Angelo's bathroom, that was the main reason. Other than that, I wasn't really that nervous. 

The only other thing I was worried about was how loud we were being. 

I mean, Ryan doesn't exactly go "easy." And yeah, I'm a screamer. Not to mention the fact that he's had a few drinks tonight. 

We had to have been doing 'things' for at least an hour before we heard the scariest sound I could think of at the moment. 

Someone knocking on the door... 

"Um, hold on a second!" Ryan yelled at whoever was knocking. 

"Dude." Chris said from the other side of the bathroom door. "We haven't seen you or Vinny in hours, what are you...oh...oh my, well never mind then." 

So our time was up. We both got our clothes back on and left the bathroom. Chris was still there, so Ryan practically ran past him and when I walked out, I swear I must have had the reddest face anyone had ever seen. 

God that was awkward. 

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