Part 22: Leaving the Past to the Grave

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We pulled up to the building. We all got out and walked towards the door. Ashton had no idea what was going on.

When we walked inside, Ms. Hills was at the front desk again.

"Long time, no see Mr. Cerulli." She said.

"Yep." I said. "Hey, Rick, go take Echo and Ashton and sit in the waiting room, please." Ricky did as I told him, and left.

"We need to adopt another kid." I said to Ms. Hills.

"Was it that boy you had with you?" She asked.

I nodded my head.

"Okay. I need him to come here, please."

I nodded my head again and went to get Ashton.

When we came back, Ms. Hills was looking at us with an odd look on her face.

"Does he have parents?" She asked.

"Ashton?" I signaled for him to answer.

"I do. But my mom is a drug addict and my dad is a drunk and a child abuser." He said quietly.

"I found him getting beaten unconscious by his dad." I said.

"Oh?" Ms. Hills said, surprised.

"Yeah." I said as I sighed.

"Has your mom done anything to you?" She asked Ashton.

"Yeah." He responded.

"What did she do?" She asked.

"She stabbed me in the leg when I was 8. She just said she was sorry and bandaged up the wound."

"Interesting..." She said. "What's their names?"

"Jake Arcene and Maria Chaney."

"I'm calling the police for child abuse on both of them." She said. "You have a reason for wanting to do this, Mr. Cerulli. Glad you decided to get him out. The government shouldn't have a problem with it. They might not even have to sign papers. You can go wait in the waiting room for now."

Me and Ashton went to the waiting room and sat with Ricky and Echo.

"Um..Chris?" He asked me.


"What's going to happen to me?" He asked.

"Well...we're kind of...adopting you. Are you OK with that?"

Ashton's whole face lightened up. "Yeah! I would love that!"

"Great." I said.

"Wait, what's happening?" Echo asked me. Oh. I forgot to tell Echo what was happening. She was our daughter, she needed to know.

"We're adopting Ashton. He'll be your brother." I said. Echo got really exited.

"Cerulli? Ashton?" Ms. Hills called.

Me and Ashton got up and walked toward her.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Sign here." She said while holding up papers.

I was so exited. I grabbed the papers and ran to go get Ricky to sign them.

We both signed the papers as quick as we could. I hardly let Ricky finish before I took them to Ms. Hills.

She took the papers and made copies and handed them to me.

"He's yours." She said.

A/N: I got so exited writing this I swear...

Adopted by Chris Motionless and Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now