Part Four: Her New Home

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After we went to Walmart to get Echo a blanket and some sheets for her bed (she chose all black ones) we left and headed home. Echo was still smiling like crazy. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Why have you been smiling so big for this long?" I asked.

"Well...I guess it's just that two members of one of my favorite bands just...adopted me..." She said shyly.

"Oh." I said as I chuckled. "That is pretty cool in your point of view."

"Yeah." She said.

"So have you ever been to Scranton?" Chris asked.

"No." She answered.

"Oh. Where did you live?" I asked.

"Well...I lived in New York City until I was 7 and then I was put in foster care in Kingston. And that's where I've been ever since." She said.

"Echo, would you be OK with going to school in Scranton or would you rather be home schooled?" I asked.

"Um...whichever one you want. Either one's okay with me." She said. I thought about online schooling but Chris said that he worried she wouldn't make any friends that way. But what will she do if we go on tour? We can probably work something out.

"What grade are you in?" Chris asked her.

"I'm in 8th." Echo said.

"So would it be okay if we put you in the local junior high and if it doesn't work out you can do online schooling?" He asked.

"Yeah that would be okay." Echo said as we pulled into our driveway.

"Here we are." I said.

"You guys have a pretty house." Echo said.

"Well I'm glad you think that because it's your house, too." Chris said as he got out and opened Echo's door.

I ran up to the front door, unlocked it, and opened it slightly before I looked behind me to see Chris and Echo standing right behind me. Then, I swung the door open.

"Come on in!" I said dramatically with a huge smile on my face.

Echo nervously walked in and Chris smiled at me before we all walked in and I closed the door.


We just walked in when my phone started going off like crazy. I opened it up to see all of my band mates had texted me.

Balz: Can we see her now

Ryan: Hi can we please see her

Vinny: You guys really did get a kid

Devin: I want to see her

Angelo: I'm outside your house

I opened the front door and all of they guys walked in. They all stared at Echo, who was sitting on the couch staring in awe at Balz, Ryan, Devin, Angelo, and Vinny. She did say that we were one of her favorite bands. I just hope that she doesn't have a heart attack based on the look she's giving them.

"Um..guys, this is Echo. She's 13. And Motionless is one of her favorite bands. So don't ruin that for her." I said. That made everyone laugh for some reason. It wasn't meant to be a joke. They were all staring at her like she was God or something. I think they admired her more than she admired them.

"Well, then you already know who we all are, don't you?" Angelo asked her.

"Yeah, I do." She said.

"You can call me Ange." He said.

"Ok...Ange." She said. She was so awkward that it was kind of funny.

"Echo, you don't have to be nervous." I said sitting down next to her. "We're family now. All of us." That made her smile really big again, and Balz smiled just as big.

"Echo, I'll show you your room and give you a little tour if you want." Ricky said. Echo nodded her head and followed Ricky.


Ricky helped me put the sheets and blanket on the bed while I smiled like an idiot. I still couldn't believe that this was happening. Ricky and Chris were my dads, and the rest of they guys were my uncles. The school year literally just ended last week, so I had almost 3 months to get to know them a little bit. I was so exited.

"Okay. We're done. Are you ready for the tour now?" Ricky said.

"Yeah." I said.

He showed me all around the house, and then introduced me to the cat, Dexter, and then we went back to the living room. Balz was leaving, and was about to walk out the door before he saw me.

"Sorry, Rick. Ryan-Ashley needs me to come home. I'll probably be over tomorrow to see Echo a little bit."

Balz hugged me before walking back over to the door.

"Nice meeting you." He said before leaving. Just then, Chris's phone rang.

"It's the record label. I'll be back." He said as he walked to his and Ricky's room.


(RL-Record Label CM-Chris)

CM: "Hello?"

RL: "Chris, how do you feel about touring with Slipknot next week?"

CM: "Next week?"

RL: "Yeah."

CM: " don't and Ricky just adopted a kid..."

RL: "Oh really? When?"

CM: "Today."

RL: "Bad timing. Because we need you to go on this tour. Or else you can forget about that so called music career."

CM: *sighs* "Fine. If we don't have a choice."

RL: "Okay then. Glad we compromised. Be here Monday by 1:00 PM."

CM: "Ok."

I hung up. Already? Why do they always make us tour at the worst time? We had to tour when Ricky was in the hospital, we had to tour the second Angelo left the band, we had to tour when the whole fucking band got food poisoning. And now, we have to tour when me and Ricky just get a new addition to our family. When they want us to tour, they make us tour, no matter what's going on. We need a new record label. They seemed like nice people when we signed the contract.

I walked to the living room and told everyone the conversation that I just had. They all seemed pretty happy about it. Even when I called Balz, he seemed happy. Maybe this tour will be good for our family. Maybe we can bond a little bit. Maybe.

Adopted by Chris Motionless and Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now